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乔波, 陈祥芳, 李惠丽, 符利锋
天津中医药大学附属武清中医医院针灸康复科, 天津 301700
[目的] 观察针刺蝶腭神经节治疗不同年龄段过敏性鼻炎患者的疗效差异、疗效特点。[方法] 研究采用自身前后对照及组间对照观察方法,将60例患者分为青年组(6~29岁)、青中年组(30~39岁)、中老年组(40~70岁),每组各20例,均予蝶腭神经节针刺术,以鼻及鼻伴随症状评分和鼻黏膜炎症相关生活质量问卷评分、“鼻炎周记”总分为主要观察指标。[结果] 各年龄组患者治疗结束及治疗后3个月鼻部症状总积分表(TNSS)、鼻伴随症状总分表(TNNSS)、鼻结膜炎生活质量问卷(RQLQ)总分、“鼻炎周记”总分均较治疗前显著改善(P<0.01),但以上指标在各组间差异并无统计学意义(P>0.05)。[结论] 针刺蝶腭神经节能有效改善各年龄层过敏性鼻炎患者的鼻部症状和鼻伴随症状,且临床疗效不因年龄影响。
关键词:  蝶腭神经节针刺术  过敏性鼻炎  不同年龄段
Clinical observation on acupuncture of sphenopalatine ganglion for allergic rhinitis in different ages
QIAO Bo, CHEN Xiangfang, LI Huili, FU Lifeng
Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Department, Wuqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301700, China
[Objective] To observe the difference and characteristics of curative effect of acupuncture on sphenopalatine ganglion in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in different age groups.[Methods] In this study, the 60 patients were divided into young group (6~29 years old), young and middle-aged group (30~39 years old) and middle and old group (40~70 years old). Self-control and intergroup control were used. The scores of nasal symptoms, nasal mucositis related quality of life questionnaire and "rhinitis weekly record" were used as the main observation indexes.[Results] There were significant differences in TNSS, TNNSS, RQLQ and rhinitis weekly records at the end of treatment and 3 months after treatment (P<0.01), but there was no significant difference in the above two indexes among different age groups(P>0.05).[Conclusion] Acupuncture of sphenopalatine nerve can effectively improve nasal symptoms and concomitant symptoms of allergic rhinitis in patients of all ages, and the clinical efficacy is not limited by age.
Key words:  acupuncture of sphenopalatine ganglion  allergic rhinitis  different ages