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张冰, 刘学伟, 宋群先, 李建伟, 沈萃萃, 王海燕
河南中医药大学第一附属医院皮肤科, 郑州 450000
关键词:  特应性皮炎  分期论治  中医药
Discussion on the treatment of atopic dermatitis by stages
ZHANG Bing, LIU Xuewei, SONG Qunxian, LI Jianwei, SHEN Cuicui, WANG Haiyan
Department of Dermatology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450000, China
Atopic dermatitis is a common difficult skin disease in clinic,according to traditional Chinese medicine, the dysfunction of five internal organs is the key to the disease,and wind,dampness and heat are the important factors of the disease. According to different age characteristics,the paper combined with the overall situation to treat by stages. Atopic dermatitis in infancy:clean heart fire,in addition to remove fetal poison;Atopic dermatitis in childhood:to invigorate the spleen and dampness,replenish lung qi;Atopic dermatitis in young adults:to invigorate the liver and kidney,to clear dampness and heat;Atopic dermatitis in the elderly:to suppress hyperactive liver and subside yang,to invigorate the kidney and heart. Pay attention to combination of internal and external treatment, combined with scraping,fire needle therapy,traditional Chinese medicine bath therapy,traditional Chinese medicine hydrotherapy and other comprehensive treatment,the clinical effect is satisfactory.
Key words:  atopic dermatitis  treatment by stages  traditional Chinese medicine