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耿馨悦, 高晓燕
北京中医药大学中药学院, 北京 100029
[目的] 探讨赞化鹿茸丸对肾阳虚模型动物的干预作用。[方法] 通过肌注氢化可的松建立肾阳虚大鼠模型。将雌性/雄性大鼠随机分为正常对照组、模型组以及模型给药组,每组6只。观察记录各组大鼠的毛发颜色、体态、尿量、体质量等形态学指标,评价雄性大鼠睾丸组织结构的形态变化,比较睾丸、子宫、肾脏等脏器的脏器指数,以及睾酮(T)、雌二醇(E2)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)相关生化指标的水平变化,评价赞化鹿茸丸对肾阳虚模型大鼠的干预作用。[结果] 本研究通过肌肉注射氢化可的松3周造肾阳虚大鼠模型。肾阳虚大鼠模型经赞化鹿茸丸干预后发现体毛枯燥无光泽、弓背蜷缩、畏寒、尿量增加、体质量下降情况有所改善;雄性模型给药组经赞化鹿茸丸干预后发现睾丸组织生精小管细胞层数增多,精子细胞和精子生成增加,间质细胞数量恢复。与模型组脏器指数相比,雄性模型给药组睾丸和肾脏脏器指数显著提高(P<0.01),雌性模型给药组肾脏脏器指数也显著提高(P<0.05),子宫指数有提高趋势,但无显著性差异。此外,雄性模型给药组大鼠血清中T水平和雌性模型给药组大鼠血清中E2水平与造模组相比显著提高(P<0.01);雌性/雄性模型给药组大鼠血清中TNF-α水平与造模组相比显著降低(P<0.01)。[结论] 赞化鹿茸丸改善因肾阳虚病症引起的一系列症状,赞化鹿茸丸干预后改善肾阳虚证之畏寒肢冷、精神萎靡、尿多、形体消瘦等症状以及睾丸组织病变情况;同时提高睾丸、子宫和肾脏的脏器指数,并调节肾阳虚大鼠血清中受扰动的T、E2、TNF-α的水平。
关键词:  赞化鹿茸丸  肾阳虚模型  药效学
Pharmacodynamics study of Zanhua Lurong Pills in the treatment of kidney-yang deficiency model rats
GENG Xinyue, GAO Xiaoyan
School of Chinese Materia Medica, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing100029, China
[Objective] To investigate the intervention effect of Zanhua Lurong Pills on kidney-yang deficiency model animals. [Methods] The kidney-yang deficiency rat model was established by intramuscular injection of hydrocortisone. Female/male rats were randomly divided into normal control group,model group and model administration group,with six rats in each group. Evaluate the intervention effect of Zanhua Lurong Pills on kidney- yang deficiency model rats by observing and recording the morphological indexes such as hair color,body posture, urine volume and body weight of rats in each group;evaluate the morphological changes of the testicular tissue structure of the male rats,and comparing the organ indexes of the testicular,uterus,kidney and other organs,as well as changes of testosterone(T),estradiol(E2) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α). [Results] The rat model of kidney- yang deficiency was established by intramuscular injection of hydrocortisone for three weeks. After the administration of Zanhua Lurong Pills,the morphological characteristics of the kidney-yang deficiency rat were improved,such as dry and dull body hair,hunched back,chills,increased urine output,and weight loss.In the male model group,the number of seminiferous tubule cells increased,sperm cells and spermatogenesis increased,the number of stromal cells recovered and the pathological condition improved. Compared with the organ index of the model group,the organ index of testis and kidney in the male model group increased significantly(P<0.01),the organ index of kidney in the female model group also increased significantly(P<0.05),and the uterine index increased,but there was no significant difference. In addition,the content of T in serum of male model rats and the content of E2 in serum of female model rats were significantly higher than those in the model group (P<0.01). Compared with the female/male model group,the content of TNF-α in the serum of the female/male model administration group was significantly lower(P<0.01). [Conclusion] Zanhua Lurong Pills can improve a series of symptoms caused by kidney-yang deficiency.After the administration of Zanhua Lurong Pills,the morphological characteristics of the kidney-yang deficiency rat model were improved,such as dry and dull body hair,hunched back,chills,increased urine output, and weight loss. The testicular tissue lesions of the male model administration group were improved. At the same time,it can increase the organ index of testis,uterus and kidney and regulate the content of T,E2 and TNF-α in serum of kidney-yang deficiency rats.
Key words:  Zanhua Lurong Pills  kidney-yang deficiency model  pharmacodynamics