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李宇琦1,2,3, 胡泽萍1,2,3, 张福明2,3, 鄂秀辉2,3, 秦民坚1, 何毅2,3
1.中国药科大学中药学院, 南京 211198;2.天士力医药集团股份有限公司研究院现代中药开发中心, 天津 300410;3.天士力医药集团股份有限公司创新中药关键技术国家重点实验室, 天津 300410
关键词:  枇杷清肺饮  历史沿革  临床应用  化学成分
Advance in study on compound Pipa Qingfei Decoction
LI Yuqi1,2,3, HU Zeping1,2,3, ZHANG Fuming2,3, E Xiuhui2,3, Qin Minjian1, HE Yi2,3
1.School of Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 211198, China;2.Development Center of Modern Chinese Medicine, Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd., Tianjin 300410, China;3.State Key Laboratory of Critical Technology in Innovative Chinese Medicine, Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd., Tianjin 300410, China
Pipa Qingfei Decoction was contained in the Great Achievements of Surgery:Volume III in the Qing dynasty. It was composed of six medicinal materials of Eriobotryae Folium,Cortex Mori,Coptis Chinensis,Cortex Phellodendri,Ginseng,and Licorice. It is a famous classical formula for treating acne-like skin diseases. It is included in the Classic Catalogue of Ancient Classics:First Batch issued by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2018. Modern Studies have shown that Pipa Qingfei Decoction has the obvious comprehensive activities of antiviral,anti-inflammatory,antibacterial,and immune-enhancing,and has shown good curative effects in the clinical treatment of acne,rosacea,and seborrheic dermatitis. According to the literatures on the study of Pipa Qingfei Decoction published in recent years,this paper summarizes and analyzes the historical evolution, compatibility analysis,prescription analysis,chemistry constituents,and clinical application,which can provide a reference for the research and development of the Pipa Qingfei Decoction.
Key words:  Pipa Qingfei Decoction  historical evolution  clinical application  chemistry constituents