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张云飞, 邱霖, 田露
天津中医药大学中医学院, 天津 301617
关键词:  黄帝内经  卫气  双圈循行
Research on “two loop lines” of Weiqi based the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine
ZHANG Yunfei, QIU Lin, TIAN Lu
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
The description of Weiqi can be found in several works in Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine. Common senses on formation and function of Weiqi have been basically built, but there are different voices on the routes of Weiqi. In order to give a further clear of its loops, basing on records in Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, then comparative analyzing with other related researches, now and then, we advance a model of two loop-lines of Weiqi. To make it easier to express, we define the first loop as the inner loop, which comes from upper warmer and flows following the meridian route. We also define the second loop as the outer loop, which starts from eyes, passing all the shallowness of yang meridians before going into five zang organs, then unite from chest, belly and other shallowness of yin meridians into Yinqiao channel. Based on the description that the two loops are connected at Fiveshu points at limb ends, we build up the model of the two loop-lines of Weiqi, hoping that the conclusion can provide a different point of view at theory and clinical practice.
Key words:  Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine  Weiqi  two loop-lines