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孙祎梦1, 刘纳文2
1.天津中医药大学, 天津 301617;2.天津市第一中心医院, 天津 300192
从用量与炮制、主治病症及药物配伍3个方面,探析《伤寒杂病论》中应用麻黄的34方及46条相关条文,提出:麻黄的常用量为5.2~32.0 g之间,主治病症中以“热”的频率最高,其次为“疼痛”、“咳喘”,麻黄性温,不能直接用于热证,然张仲景巧妙将其与大剂量的石膏配伍,保留麻黄宣通透邪之性,达到辛凉透热。小便关系体内津液的多少,并与水饮致病互为因果,故配伍上以甘草、桂枝、芍药、生姜、大枣为主,以辛甘化阳助气化、酸甘化阴滋其源、固护中州发水气。纵观张仲景对麻黄的运用,麻黄的主治病症涉及面广,是一味有着较高应用价值的中药,需要临床研究的重视与发掘。
关键词:  伤寒杂病论  麻黄  用量炮制  主治病症  张仲景
Analysis on the dosage, main symptoms, and compatibility rules of ephedra in the Theory of Typhoid and Miscellaneous Diseases
SUN Yimeng1, LIU Nawen2
1.Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.Tianjin First Central Hospital, Tianjin 300192, China
This paper analyzes 34 prescriptions and 46 relevant articles on the application of ephedra in Treatise and Typhoid and Miscellaneous Diseases from three aspects:dosage and processing, main symptoms and drug compatibility, it is suggested that the commonly used amount of ephedra is between 5.2-32.0 g. The frequency of "heat" is the highest among the main symptoms, followed by "pain" and "cough and asthma", ephedra is warm in nature and cannot be directly used for heat syndrome. However, Zhongjing skillfully combines it with high-dose gypsum to retain the nature of ephedra to promote evil and achieve pungent, cool and hot. Urination is related to the amount of body fluid in the body, and is mutually causal with water drinking. Therefore, licorice, Cinnamon Twig, peony, ginger and jujube are mainly used in the compatibility, with xin gan changing yang to help gasify, acid gan changing yin to nourish its source, and protect Zhongzhou hair moisture. Throughout ZHANG Zhongjing's use of ephedra, the main symptoms of ephedra involve a wide range. It is a traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) with high application value, which needs the attention and exploration of clinical research.
Key words:  Typhoid and Miscellaneous Disease  ephedra  dosage processing  main symptom  ZHANG Zhongjing