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周金业1,2, 张浩锋1, 王艺灿1, 刘紫薇1, 程祎睿1, 才艳茹3, 姜建明1, 杨倩3,4,5, 李博林3,4
1.河北中医药大学研究生院, 石家庄 050091;2.易县中医医院, 保定 074200;3.河北省中医院, 石家庄 050011;4.河北省浊毒证重点实验室, 石家庄 050011;5.河北省中西医结合胃肠病研究重点实验室, 石家庄 050011
关键词:  “浊毒-微生态”理论  腹泻型肠易激综合征  病因病机  治疗
Analysis of diarrhea type irritable bowel syndrome based on the theory of “turbidity poison-microecology”
ZHOU Jinye1,2, ZHANG Haofeng1, WANG Yican1, LIU Ziwei1, CHENG Yirui1, CAI Yanru3, JIANG Jianming1, YANG Qian3,4,5, LI Bolin3,4
1.Graduate School of Hebei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shijiazhuang 050091, China;2.Yixian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Baoding 074200, China;3.Hebei Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shijiazhuang 050011, China;4.Hebei Key Laboratory of Turbidity Toxin Syndrome, Shijiazhuang 050011, China;5.Hebei Key Laboratory of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine for Gastroenterology Research, Shijiazhuang 050011, China
Article from the theory of "turbidity poison-micro ecology",analysis diarrhea type irritable bowel syndrome,think "turbidity poison" can by affecting the intestinal flora balance,mediated intestinal barrier damage,interfere with the secretion of bile acid metabolism and psychological regulation,lead to intestinal homeostasis imbalance,participate in the development of diarrhea type irritable bowel syndrome. Under the guidance of the theory of diarrhea,the spleen should regulate qi,and use fragrance turbidity,heat clearing and turbidity,detoxification and removing stasis to provide new ideas for the clinical treatment of diarrhea IBS.
Key words:  turbidity poison-microecological theory  diarrhea type irritable bowel syndrome  etiology and pathogenesis  treatment