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金嘉赓1, 华声瑜2, 徐玉洁1, 郭睿1, 宋钰1, 郭子欣1
1.天津中医药大学研究生院, 天津 301617;2.天津中医药大学中医学院, 天津 301617
关键词:  心脏神经官能症  脏腑  营卫
Explanation of the traditional Chinese medicine theory of cardiac neurosis
JIN Jiageng,HUA Shengyu,XU Yujie,GUO Rui,SONG Yu,GUO Zixin
Graduate School, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
Cardiac neurosis is a special type of neurosis with cardiac discomfort as the main manifestation,and the main clinical manifestations are the subjective symptoms of abnormal cardiovascular system function,such as palpitation,shortness of breath,chest tightness,palpitation,precordial pain,etc.,often accompanied by psychological disorders. It is also called "cardiac neurosis" or "functional heart disease". The onset of this disease is affected by the nervous system and endocrine system,in which the autonomic nerve plays a leading role,and often due to the mental stimulation of the outside world,resulting in sympathetic nerve and vagus nerve hyperactivity,inducing related symptoms and onset. Therefore,patients are often accompanied by mild or severe insomnia,anxiety,depression,irritability and other mental symptoms. The disease belongs to the category of "palpitation" and "exoppitation" in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). The patients are mainly young and middle-aged,and most of them are female. The clinical symptoms and syndrome types of this disease are diverse,and there are many theories on syndrome differentiation and treatment. This article will systematically classify and summarize the various syndrome types of this disease from the perspective of zangfu and yingwei through the theory of TCM.
Key words:  cardiac neurosis  zangfu  yingwei