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国医大师王庆国教授从少阴阳气论治抑郁症的临证经验特色 |
樊姝宁1, 陈聪爱1, 徐文秀2, 邵奇2, 胡一帆2, 欧阳欢2, 王雪茜2, 程发峰2, 王庆国2
1.北京中医药大学东直门医院, 北京 100700;2.北京中医药大学, 北京 100029
摘要: |
抑郁症是临床常见的精神类疾病,其临床表现除情绪抑郁外还可见精神萎靡,表情淡漠,倦怠乏力,形寒肢冷等阳虚症状,与《伤寒论》281条“少阴之为病,脉微细,但欲寐。”有相似之处。国医大师王庆国教授认为抑郁症的发病与少阴阳气功能障碍息息相关,当少阴阳气亏虚,温养不足或少阴阳气郁滞,气机不利时,则易出现情志抑郁。文章从少阴阳气功能为切入点,分析温阳、通阳法在抑郁症治疗中的应用,意在触类旁通、有效辨证以丰富抑郁症的临床辨证论治。 |
关键词: 抑郁症 少阴病 阳气 四逆散 麻黄附子细辛汤 |
DOI:10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2025.02.02 |
分类号:R749.4 |
基金项目:燕京刘氏伤寒流派传承工作室项目(1190062620029)。 |
Exploration of the treatment of depression from the perspective of shaoyin yang qi |
FAN Shuning1, CHEN Congai1, XU Wenxiu2, SHAO Qi2, HU Yifan2, OUYANG Huan2, WANG Xueqian2, CHENG Fafeng2, WANG Qingguo2
1.Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China;2.Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract: |
Depression is a common mental illness in clinical practice. Its clinical manifestations include not only emotional depression,but also symptoms of yang deficiency such as mental fatigue,indifferent expression,fatigue,and cold limbs. It is similar to Article 281 of the Treatise on Febrile Diseases,which states that "shaoyin is a disease, with fine pulse but drowsiness." The author believes that the onset of depression is closely related to the dysfunction of shaoyin yang qi. When shaoyin yang qi is deficient,there is insufficient warmth and nourishment,or shaoyin yang qi is stagnant,the qi mechanism is unfavorable,and emotional depression is prone to occur. This article takes shaoyin yang qi as the starting point to analyze the application of warming yang and unblocking yang methods in the treatment of depression,aiming to enrich the clinical differentiation and treatment of depression by analogy and effective dialectics. |
Key words: depression shaoyin disease yang qi Sini Tang Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Tang |