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Clinical obsevation of tinong qufu liquid on externum treating tuberculous sinus (32 cases)
Hits 1308  Download times 1358  Received:October 11, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2009.01.06
Key Words   tuberculous sinus;Tinong Qufu Liquid;isoniazide injection;externum
Author NameAffiliation
HUANG Zi-hui The Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Hospital in Nanjing, Nanjing 210014, China 
    [Objection] To observe curative effect of Tinong Qufu Liquid on externum treating tuberculous sinus.[Methods] The sixty-four patients of tuberculous sinus were randomly divided into treatment group and control group.The patients of treatment group were treated by isoniazide and RAMP and that of control were treated by Tinong Qufu Liquid.To observe healing condition of sinuses and each index change.[Results] The total effective rate of treatment group was 93.75% and that of control group was 40.62%.There were obviously differentiation in total effective rate of treatment group and control group.The effect of treatment group was obviously higher than that of control group in decreasing ESR and TCM syndrome integration.The effect of treatment group was obviously higher than that of control group in protecting liver function.[Conclusion] Tinong Qufu Liquid had a satisfactory treatment effect on externum treating tuberculous sinus based on commonly antituberculous treatment.

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