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My opinion about using corrigent
Hits 1630  Download times 1946  Received:April 11, 2012  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2012.02.20
Key Words   using corrigent;reverse treatment;using corrignet for fluent;fluent for clear;neutralization
Author NameAffiliation
MIAO Yao-dong Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China 
    Many doctors currently explain the connotation of using corrigent with reverse treatment, which is in the warm recipe adding a little amount of cold herb, or treating cold syndrome with cold regimen, or in cold recipe adding a few warm drug, or treating heat syndrome with hot regimen. All of these meant that when treating affirmed Ying or Yang disease the herbs having adverse effect were uniform used. But the facts were not so. Using corrigent described in this paper was formed under the guidance of TCM theory, combining with "neutralization theory", taking negative as the positive and vice versa and taking unblocked transmission as normal functional state of six FUorgans. Then through the application of using corrigent, making the property of drug and property of disease tended toward one aim, guiding something. along its course of development, and reflecting the idea of whole day in TCM, treating disease with differentiated syndrome, so the clinical curative effect can be improved.

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