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史哲新, 杨向东, 高宏, 姚芳, 张莉亚
天津中医药大学第一附属医院血液科 天津 300193
关键词:  益气养阴法  微小残留白血病  多药耐药  P170  拓扑酶Ⅱ
Effect of Yiqi Yangyin method on the multiple resistance factors of minimal residual leukemia
SHI Zhe-xin, YANG Xiang-dong, YAO Fang
The First Hospital Affiliated to Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To observe the syndrome of deficiency of both Qi and Yin in patients with minimal residual leukemia, evaluate the clinical therapeutic effect of tonifying Qi and Yin method according to differentiation and treatment both of the diseases and syndrome, and discuss its mechanism of multiple resistant. [Methods] Sixty-eight patients with minimal residual leukemia were divided into treatment group (34 cases) and control group (34 cases) randomly. The patients of treatment group used combined chemotherapy along with Chinese medicine of tonifying Qi and Yin orally. The patients of control group were treated with combined chemotherapy only. The expression of TopoⅡ was observed by RT-PCR method before and after treatment, and the expression of P170 by APAAP method. Then, the effect of tonifying Qi and Yin method to the multiple resistance factors in minimal residual leukemia was discussed. [Results] Tonifying Qi and Yin could improve the deficiency of both Qi and Yin syndrome in patients with minimal residual leukemia. The deficiency syndrome of both Qi and Yin in treatment group had significantly difference when compared with that in control group (P<0.05). Besides, it could up-regulate the content of Topo Ⅱ, increase the breakdown of leukemia cells DNA, leading death of leukemia cell. What’s more, it could also decrease the expression of P-gp, reduce the excretion of chemotherapy medicine, and increase the consistence inside cells. Combined chemotherapy along with Chinese medicine of tonifying Qi and Yin method could decrease the case of P170 positive expression of deficiency of Qi and Yin leukemia. [Conclusion] The results showed that tonifying Qi and Yin method had its effect on reversing multiple resistance in minimal residual leukemia.
Key words:  tonify Qi and Yin method  minimal residual leukemia  multiple resistant  P170  Topo Ⅱ