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中药化学数据库中HIV RT (NNRTI)/IN双靶点抑制剂的虚拟筛选
肖泽云1, 李凯1,2, 李爱秀1,3
1.武警后勤学院基础部药物设计实验室, 天津 300309;2.武警山西总队医院药剂科, 太原 030006;3.天津市职业与环境危害防制重点实验室, 天津 300309
[目的] 从天然产物中筛选人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)非核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(NNRTI)和整合酶链转移抑制剂(INSTI)作用位点的双靶点抑制剂[RT (NNRTI)/IN]。[方法] 运用分子模拟技术和计算机辅助药物设计(CADD)方法,构建HIV RT (NNRTI)/IN双靶点抑制剂分子相似性搜索模型、NNRTI和RT以及INSTI和IN对接模型,采用两种策略对中药化学数据库(TCMD)进行筛选。[结果] 共命中与RT和IN对接得分均大于6的化合物35个,包括黄酮类、生物碱类、苷类、多酚类等,黄酮类化合物(15个)占到了42.86%。[结论] 黄酮类化合物是开发潜在HIV RT (NNRTI)/IN双靶点抑制剂的主要来源,上述研究为天然产物来源的HIV双靶点药物发现提供了新线索。
关键词:  天然产物  逆转录酶  整合酶  双靶点抑制剂  虚拟筛选
Virtual screening of double target inhibitor of RT(NNRTI)/IN against HIV from traditional Chinese medicine database
XIAO Zeyun1, LI Kai1,2, LI Aixiu1,3
1.Drug Design Laboratory of the Basic Science Department, Logistics University of PAP, Tianjin 300309, China;2.Pharmacy Department, Shanxi General Hospital of PAP, Taiyuan 030006, China;3.Tianjin Key Laboratory for Prevention and Control of Occupational and Environmental Hazard, Tianjin 300309, China
[Objective] To find double target inhibitor of RT(NNRTI)/IN against HIV from natural products.[Methods] Molecular simulation and CADD technologies were used to build molecular similarity search model of double target inhibitor of RT(NNRTI)/IN against HIV, docking model of NNRTI and RT, docking model of INSTI and IN. Two strategies were used to screen Traditional Chinese Medicine Database(TCMD).[Results] The 35 molecules which docking scores with RT and IN were both above 6 were hit. There were flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, polyphenols, etc. Flavonoids(15) accounted for 42.86%.[Conclusion] Flavonoids are the main sources for the development of potential double target inhibitor of RT(NNRTI)/IN against HIV. These results provide new clues for the study of the dual target drugs of HIV derived from natural products.
Key words:  natural product  reverse transcriptase  integrase  double target inhibitor  virtual screening