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老蕊娟1, 赵芳1, 金鑫2, 陆佳1, 刘睿1
1.天津中医药大学中药学院, 天津 300193;2.武警后勤学院军事药学教研室, 天津 300309
[目的] 优化复方活血化瘀喷膜剂处方,为其临床应用提供参考。[方法] 以烯吡咯烷酮(PVPK30)、聚乙烯醇(PVA-124)和羟丙甲纤维素(HPMC)用量为自变量,成膜时间为因变量,根据星点设计原理进行处方优选。运用星点效应面数据测试和验证人工神经网络模型,进一步优化处方,并比较星点效应面与神经网络模拟效果。[结果] 复方活血化瘀喷膜剂的最优处方为PVPK30 2.24 g、PVA-124 0.75 g、HPMC 0.07 g。成膜时间为4.63 min。[结论] 制得的复方活血化瘀喷膜剂黏度适宜,使用方便,成膜时间短,均一性好。人工神经网络法建立的模型预测性更好,可用于该制剂的处方优化。
关键词:  人工神经网络  星点设计效应面法  复方活血化瘀药物  喷膜剂  处方优化
Preparation of Compound Huoxue Huayu spraying-film (CHH-SF) preparation based on central composite design and artificial neural network modeling
LAO Ruijuan1, ZHAO Fang1, JIN Xin2, LU Jia1, LIU Rui1
1.School of Traditional Chinese Materia Medica, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China;2.Military Medicine Section, Logistics University of Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Tianjin 300309, China
[Objective] To Optimize Compound Huoxue Huayu spraying-film (CHH-SF) and provide reference for its clinical application.[Methods] Based on the single factor test, the amount of polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVPK30), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA-124) and hypromellose (HPMC) were selected as independent variables, and the film formation time was dependent variable. The prescription is optimized according to the principle of central composite design (CCD). In addition, CCD data was used to train、test and validate the artificial neural network model, further optimize prescriptions. Then compare the effect of star point effect surface and neural network simulation.[Results] The optimal formulation of CHH-SF was PVPK30 2.24 g, PVA-124 0.75 g, HPMC 0.07 g, and the film formation time was 4.63 min.[Conclusion] The CHH-SF is viscosity, easy to use, short film formation time and good homogeneity. The model established by the artificial neural network method is more predictable and can be used for the formulation optimization of the preparation.
Key words:  artificial neural network  central composite design  Compound Huoxue Huayu herbs  spraying-film  formulation optimization