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徐朦婷1, 李晓旭2, 孙文玉1, 陈玉潇1, 毕鸿雁2
1.山东中医药大学康复学院, 济南 250355;2.山东中医药大学附属医院康复科, 济南 250015
[目的]比较呼吸功能训练、六字诀结合呼吸功能训练对颈胸段脊髓损伤患者肺功能影响差异。[方法]对2017年5月-2018年3月入院的49例颈胸段脊髓损伤患者进行随机分组,随机分为对照组24例和六字诀组25例,两组都进行常规功能训练(PT、OT),对照组进行呼吸功能训练,六字诀组在对照组的基础上进行六字诀的训练,每组每天训练2次,一次训练时间为30 min,治疗12周。12周后对患者的肺功能和吸气肌力量进行检测。[结果]经过12周的训练,两组患者的肺功能和吸气肌力量相对于治疗前都有所改善(P<0.05),六字诀组经过干预之后用力肺活量(FVC)、第一秒用力呼气量(FEV1)、每分钟最大通气量(MVV)、吸气肌肌力指数(MIP)均明显高于对照组(均P<0.05),但六字诀组与对照组的吸气流速峰值(PIF)比较差异无统计学意义。[结论]两组患者在经过训练之后呼吸功能都有很大的改善,与单独的呼吸功能训练相比,六字诀结合呼吸功能训练显著的改善颈胸段脊髓损伤患者的肺功能。
关键词:  六字诀  呼吸功能  脊髓损伤
To observe the effect of six-character formula combined with breathing training on lung function in patients with cervical and thoracic spinal cord injury
XU Mengting1, LI Xiaoxu2, SUN Wenyu1, CHEN Yuxiao1, BI Hongyan2
1.School of Rehabilitation, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250355, China;2.Department of Rehabilitation, Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250015, China
[Objective] To compare the effects of respiratory function training,six-character formula combined with respiratory function training on lung function in patients with cervical and thoracic spinal cord injury.[Methods] Forty-nine patients with cervical and thoracic spinal cord injury who were admitted to hospital from May 2017 to March 2018 were randomly divided into 24 patients in the control group and 25 patients in the six-character formula group. Both groups were trained in routine function (PT,OT),the control group was trained in respiratory function,and the six-character formula group was trained on the basis of the control group. Each group was trained twice a day,and the training time was 30 minutes for 12 weeks. The patient's lung function and inspiratory muscle strength were measured after 12 weeks.[Results] After 12 weeks of training,the lung function and inspiratory muscle strength of the two groups were improved compared with those before treatment (P<0.05). FVC,FEV1,MVV and MIP were significantly higher the control group (both P<0.05) after the intervention of the six-character group,but there was no significant difference in PIF between the six-character group and the control group.[Conclusions] The respiratory function of both groups was greatly improved after training. Compared with the separate respiratory function training,the six-character formula combined with respiratory function training significantly improved the lung function of patients with cervical and thoracic spinal cord injury.
Key words:  six-character formula  respiratory function  spinal cord injury