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李希凡1, 韩红梅1, 王志强1, 郑文超2, 李天祥1
1.天津中医药大学, 天津 301617;2.河北生之谷农业科技有限公司, 石家庄 050200
[目的] 通过对5产区17个产地及样地半夏药材中各化学组分进行含量测定,阐明不同产地半夏的化学组分累积规律和整体质量特征。[方法] 电位滴定法测定总有机酸含量,UV-VIS法测定多糖及总生物碱含量,水溶性热浸法测定总浸出物含量,进行主成分分析。[结果] 基于药典指标成分琥珀酸含量(2.5 mg/g),各产地于1.06~4.31 mg/g,其中5个产地含量低于药典标准;基于生物碱类含量,在0.50~0.70 mg/g,各产地含量水平相当;各产地样品间浸出物含量差异较大,其中湖北荆州含量高达497.76 mg/g;各产地多糖类含量差异较大,甘肃产区平均含量总体较高,西和县含量为214.19 mg/g;野生半夏的浸出物、多糖类、有机酸类含量均高于栽培半夏;硫熏后半夏浸出物、多糖类、有机酸类含量均下降,生物碱类的含量基本保持不变。[结论] 湖北荆州、甘肃西和为半夏的优质产地,两地药材各化学组分总体水平较高;与栽培品相比,野生品半夏化学组分累积量总体水平较高;硫熏过程导致半夏各组分含量下降。
关键词:  半夏  不同产地  化学组分  整体质量特征  主成分分析
Evaluation of main chemical components and overall quality of Pinellia ternate from 5 production areas
LI Xifan1, HAN Hongmei1, WANG Zhiqiang1, ZHENG Wenchao2, LI Tianxiang1
1.Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.Hebei Shengzhigu Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd., Shijiazhuang 050200, China
[Objective] Based on the content determination of the chemical components of Pinellia ternate from 17 production areas and sample areas in 5 producing areas,the accumulation rules of chemical components and the overall quality characteristics of Pinellia ternate from different habitats were clarified.[Methods] The total organic acid content was determined by potentiometric titration,the polysaccharides and alkaloids content was determined by UV-VIS,and the water-soluble hot-dip method was used to determine the total extractable content. Use principal component analysis to analyze data.[Results] Based on the pharmacopoeia index component succinic acid content (2.5 mg/g),each producing area is 1.06~4.31 mg/g,of which the content of 5 producing areas is lower than the pharmacopoeia standard. Based on the alkaloid content,0.50~0.70 mg/g,the content levels are similar;the content of extracts varies widely among samples from different producing areas,among which the Jingzhou content in Hubei is as high as 497.76 mg/g;the content of polysaccharides in different producing areas varies greatly,the average content in Gansu producing areas is generally higher,and the content in Xihe County is 214.19 mg/g;the contents of extracts,polysaccharides,and organic acids in wild Pinellia ternata are higher than those in cultivated Pinellia ternata;the contents of extracts,polysaccharides,and organic acids in Pinellia ternata after sulfur fumigation all decrease,and the content of alkaloids basically unchanged.[Conclusion] Jingzhou in Hubei and Xihe in Gansu are high-quality production areas of Pinellia ternata. The chemical compounds of the two places have higher overall levels of chemical components. Compared with cultivated products,the overall level of the chemical components of wild Pinellia ternata is higher,and the sulfur fumigation process resulted in the decrease of the content of each component in Pinellia ternata.
Key words:  Pinellia ternate  different producing area  chemical component  overall quality characteristic  principal component analysis