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邓宁, 王燕, 王树苓
天津中医药大学第二附属医院护理部, 天津 300250
[目的] 分析三级中医院住院患者的中医护理服务需求属性,为提升三级中医院中医护理服务提出策略。[方法] 基于Kano模型设计三级中医院住院患者中医护理服务需求调查问卷,对天津市某三级中医院469例住院患者进行调查,采用定量与定性的方法确定三级中医院住院患者中医护理服务需求属性分类及优先级排序。[结果] 通过Kano模型和Better-Worse二维矩阵图进行需求分析,最终获得三级中医院住院患者中医护理服务必备属性需求14个,魅力属性需求9个,期望属性需求6个。[结论] 三级中医院医院管理者应依据住院患者中医护理服务需求优先级顺序精准施策,保障必备型需求项目供应,加大期望型需求投入,同时发展创新魅力型需求,确保中医护理服务需求与供给高效匹配。
关键词:  中医护理  住院患者  护理服务需求  Kano模型  属性分析
Research on the demand attributes of traditional Chinese medicine nursing services for inpatients in tertiary traditional Chinese medicine hospitals based on the Kano model
DENG Ning, WANG Yan, WANG Shuling
Nursing Department, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300250, China
[Objective] To analyze the demand attributes of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) nursing services for inpatients in tertiary TCM hospitals,and propose strategies for improving TCM nursing services in tertiary TCM hospitals. [Methods] Based on the Kano model,a questionnaire on demand for TCM nursing services among inpatients in a tertiary TCM hospital in Tianjin was designed. A total of 469 inpatients were surveyed using quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the classification and priority ranking of demand attributes for TCM nursing services. [Results] Through demand analysis using the Kano model and the Better-Worse coefficient,a total of 14 essential attributes,9 attractive attributes,and 6 expected attributes for TCM nursing services among inpatients in tertiary TCM hospitals were identified. [Conclusion] Hospital administrators of tertiary TCM hospitals should prioritize their strategies based on the priority ranking of demand for TCM nursing services among inpatients. They should ensure the provision of essential attributes,increase investment in expected attributes,and develop innovative and attractive attributes to ensure an efficient match between the demand and supply of TCM nursing services.
Key words:  traditional Chinese medicine nursing  inpatient  nursing service demands  Kano model  attribute analysis