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梁雪1, 李泽庚2,3,4,5, 韩明向3,4, 王卉1, 刘桐1, 吴迪1, 张璐1
1.安徽中医药大学, 合肥 230031;2.中医药防治肺系重大疾病应用转化安徽省重点实验室, 合肥 230031;3.教育部新安医学重点实验室, 合肥 230031;4.安徽中医药大学第一附属医院, 合肥 230038;5.安徽省中医药科学院中医呼吸病防治研究所, 合肥 230031
关键词:  蝉蜕  药对  久咳  泄泻  耳鸣  肺结节  韩明向
基金项目:2022年安徽省临床医学研究转化专项(20220429 5107020045);国家自然科学基金联合重点项目(U20A20398);国家自然科学基金项目(82374399)。
Summary of clinical experience in using cicada slough by Professor HAN Mingxiang,a master of traditional Chinese medicine
LIANG Xue1, LI Zegeng2,3,4,5, HAN Mingxiang3,4, WANG Hui1, LIU Tong1, WU Di1, ZHANG Lu1
1.Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230031, China;2.Anhui Key Laboratory of Application and Transformation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Prevention and Treatment of Major Lung Diseases, Hefei 230031, China;3.Xin'an Key Laboratory of Medicine, Ministry of Education, Hefei 230031, China;4.The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230038, China;5.Anhui Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Institute of Respiratory Disease Prevention and Treatment, Hefei 230031, China
This paper summarizes the clinical experience in using cicada slough by Professor HAN Mingxiang. Professor Han Mingxiang attributes cicada slough to insect wind medicine,because wind medicine has the characteristics of “removing wind,solving collaterals,winning moisture,penetrating pores,opening mysteries”,so Professor HAN Mingxiang often uses cicada slough in clinical practice with syndrome compatibility,for the treatment of various internal injuries and miscellaneous diseases,and has been effective. For stubborn coughs,Professor HAN Mingxiang believes that the first responsibility is “wind”,often cicada slough and stiff silkworm phase are used,taking its meaning of removing external wind and searching for wind;for pulmonary nodules “micro syndrome”,professor HAN Mingxiang believes that the use of cicada slough with ephedra,opening xuanfu,eliminating phlegm and cieculating blood to treat the same disease;Cicada slough and magnetite are combined together to promote and reduce,and to lighten,clear and penetrate the orifices,as well as to treat the tinnitus by using the end of the fall and tonic benefits in the same way;For diarrhea,the treatment is usually combined with cicada slough and wind prevention to play the role of fighting dampness and stopping diarrhea.
Key words:  cicada slough  drug therapy  chronic cough  diarrhea  tinnitus  pulmonary nodules  HAN Mingxiang