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陈明骏1,2, 仝战旗1,2
1.解放军总医院第二医学中心中医科, 北京 100853;2.国家老年疾病临床研究中心, 北京 100853
关键词:  哮喘  痰伏于肺  寒热失调
Exploring treatment approaches for bronchial asthma in light of the core pathogenesis of “imbalance of cold and heat”
CHEN Mingjun1,2, TONG Zhanqi1,2
1.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Second Medical Center & National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases, Beijing 100853, China;2.Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China
Bronchial asthma(asthma) is a chronic airway inflammatory disease. It has a long course,is easy to repeat,and is difficult to cure,which seriously affects the quality of life of patients,and has been widely concerned in clinic. This paper analyzes the etiology and pathogenesis of asthma in traditional Chinese medicine,and points out that the imbalance of cold and heat is the core pathogenesis of asthma in traditional Chinese medicine,and the correct judgment of cold and heat is the key to the treatment of asthma in traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore,in the whole process of asthma treatment,the imbalance of cold and heat,the core element of traditional Chinese medicine,should be penetrated. The clinical differentiation of cold and heat of chronic root phlegm is clear,and finally the phlegm of lung is eliminated,and asthma is controlled and healed. The attack of asthma can be controlled only by correctly judging the cold and heat of the underlying phlegm of the perennial root,clarifying the urgency of the cold and heat of asthma,and eliminating the underlying phlegm in the lungs.
Key words:  asthma  phlegm accumulation in lung  imbalance between cold and heat