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从“痞坚伏阳”理论刍议三焦辨治癌性发热 |
焦源1,2, 王彦宠1,2, 赵远红1, 李雪纯3, 刘家宇1,2
1.天津中医药大学第一附属医院, 国家中医针灸临床医学研究中心, 天津 300381;2.天津中医药大学, 天津 301617;3.大理大学护理学院, 大理 671000
摘要: |
癌性发热归属中医的“内伤发热”,见于恶性肿瘤的各个阶段,也是病情进展的重要因素,严重威胁患者生命健康。“痞坚伏阳”理论是伏阳学术思想体系的关键要义,笔者认为三焦也是伏阳生成、潜藏、流行、演变的病位。痞坚内阻气机,阳气升潜失常,阳伏蓄热化火,三焦气化逆动,影响脏腑的气、血、津、液及精微代谢,形成以发热为主要表现的癌类疾病。识伏阳三焦关系,调脏腑气机升降,涵机体阴阳冲和,清透痞坚伏邪,使上中下三焦气化顺畅、火遏透散,利于癌热解除。 |
关键词: 痞坚伏阳 三焦 癌性发热 病机 透解法 |
DOI:10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2025.01.08 |
分类号:R730.6 |
基金项目:中医药高等教育学会临床教育研究会临床教学科学研究课题(2017JY006)。 |
Discussion on the differentiation and treatment of cancerous fever with Sanjiao based on the theory of “firmness of the stuffiness and the fu yang” |
JIAO Yuan1,2, WANG Yanchong1,2, ZHAO Yuanhong1, LI Xuechun3, LIU Jiayu1,2
1.First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Clinical Research Center for Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Tianjin 300381, China;2.Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;3.School of Nursing, Dali University, Dali 671000, China
Abstract: |
Carcinogenic fever is classified as “internal fever” in traditional Chinese medicine,and can be seen in all stages of malignant tumours. Carcinogenic fever is an important factor in the progression of the disease,posing a serious threat to patients’ lives and health. The theory of “firmness of the stuffiness and the fu yang” is the key point to the academic ideology system of fu yang,and the author believes that Sanjiao is also the place where fu yang is generated,latent,prevalent and evolved. The internal qi blocking mechanism of pi jian,the abnormal rising and latent of yang qi,the accumulation of heat and fire by yang fu,the reverse movement of Sanjiao gasification,affects the metabolism of the qi,blood,fluid,liquid and essence of the internal organs,and forms cancer diseases with fever as the main manifestation. Recognizing the relationship between fu yang and Sanjiao,regulating the lifting and lowering of the internal organs and qi,regulating the balance of yin and yang in the body,clearing away the evils and plaque firmness,so as to make the upper,middle and lower Sanjiao gasification smooth,and suppress the fire,and disperse,which is conducive to the elimination of cancer fever. |
Key words: firmness of the stuffiness and the fu yang Sanjiao cancerous fever pathogenesis method of expelling pathogens |