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刘亚燊1,2, 韩阳1,2, 苗鹏伟1,2, 潘健1,2, 生晓迪1,2, 孙岚云1,2, 张勉之1,2
1.天津市中医药研究院附属医院, 天津 300120;2.天津市中医肾病研究所, 天津 300120
关键词:  肾性贫血  肾虚血瘀  辨证论治  名医经验  张大宁
Experience of treating renal anemia based on the theory of “kidney deficiency and blood stasis” by Chinese medicine master ZHANG Daning
LIU Yashen1,2, HAN Yang1,2, MIAO Pengwei1,2, PAN Jian1,2, SHENG Xiaodi1,2, SUN Lanyun1,2, ZHANG Mianzhi1,2
1.Tianjin Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital, Tianjin 300120, China;2.Tianjin Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nephropathy, Tianjin 300120, China
Renal anemia is one of the most common complications in the course of disease development in patients with chronic kidney disease,and the degree of anemia affects the course and prognosis of chronic kidney disease. Renal anemia belongs to the categories of “consumptive disease”“kidney exhaustion” and “blood deficiency” in traditional Chinese medicine. Professor ZHANG Daning argues that the pathogenesis of renal anemia is mainly due to kidney deficiency and blood stasis,combined with dampness,turbidity,and dampness toxins. The fundamental treatment method is to tonify the kidney and circulate blood,emphasizing the importance of tonifying the kidney and spleen,circulating blood and transforming stasis throughout the process,and emphasizing the transportation and transformation of the middle jiao to achieve the goal of eliminating evil and improving the state of anemia.
Key words:  renal anemia  kidney deficiency and blood stasis  treatment based on pattern identification  experience of famous doctor  ZHANG Daning