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赵承梅, 沈彬, 华潜棠, 刘樑, 富光华
天津医学高等专科学校 300052
关键词:  急性重症胆管炎  氧自由基  磷脂酶A2  清解灵
基金项目:* 卫生部科学研究基金资助课题(96-2-258)
The effect of Qingjieling combined with choledochostomyon the content of phospholipase A2 and oxygen free radical in organic tissue of rats with acute cholangitis of severe type
ZHAO Cheng-mei, SHEN Bin, HUA Qian-tang
Tianjin Medical College, Tianjin 300052, China
[Objective] To investigate the effect of Qingjieling combined with choledochostomy on the content of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and oxygen free radical (OFR) in organic tissues of rats with acute cholangitis of severe type (ACST).[Methods] The rat models with ACST and choledochostomy are made. Subject rats are randomly divided into four groups: the normal group, ACST group, choledochostomy group, and medicinal-herb group. The content of OFR and the activity of PLA2 of tissues are determined by using the electron rotating resonation technique and acidometrictitration respectively.[Results] Compared with the normal group, the content of OFR in ileomucosa, hepatic and pulmonary tissues in ACST and choledochostomy group both increased markedly (P<0.05, <0.01, <0.001, separately);the activities of PLA2 were greatly raised (P<0.05,<0.01,<0.001, separately). Compared with the ACST group, either the content of OFR or the activity of PLA2 in the medicinal-herb group decreased remarkably (P<0.05,without exception).[Conclusion]: The therapy of Qingjieling combined with choledochostomy can significantly reduce inflammatory media, including OFR and PLA2 in many tissues of rats with acute cholangitis of severe type so as to protect organs from the damage of over-inflammation.
Key words:  Acute cholangitis of severe type (ACST)  Oxygen Free Radical (OFR)  Phospholipase A2(PLA2)  Qingjieling