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李广斌, 华声瑜
天津中医学院 300193
关键词:  动脉硬化  内皮素  一氧化碳  一氧化氮合酶
Influence of Shouwu Danshen Dropping Pills on ET/NO and NOS in Rabbits with Experimental Atherosclerosis
LI Guang-bin, HUA Sheng-yu
Tianjin University of TCM Tianjin 300193 China
[Objective]To explore the influence of ShouwuDanshen (fleeceflower stem and root of red-rooted salvia) dropping pills (SWDS) on the level of endothelin (ET)、nitric oxide (NO) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in rabbits with atherosclerosis and to investigate the therapeutic effect of SWDS on atherosclerosis.[Methods]Fifty healthy male Japanese white rabbits were used in the experiment.Ten rabbits were randomly selected as normal control group and were fed with normal forage.Forty rabbits were fed with hypercholesterol forage for four weeks and then were randomly divided into four groups:model group,small dosage group,large dosage group and control group.The rabbits of model group were only fed with hypercholesterol diet.The rabbits of small dosage group were treated with SWDS 1.25 g/(kg·d) and hypercholesterol diet.The rabbits of large dosage group were treated with SWDS 5 g/(kg·d) and hypercholesterol diet.The rabbits of positive control group were treated with simvastatin 2.35 mg/(kg·d) and hypercholesterol diet.After four weeks the levels of blood lipid,serum NO,plasma ET and NOS content in blood vessel tissue were measured.[Results] The level of plasma ET-1 in small dosage group,large dosage group and control group was significantly less than that in model group (P<0.01).The expression of serum NO and NOS in blood vessel tissue showed opposite change (P<0.05).[Conclusion] The SWDS dropping pills possesses an anti-atherosclerosis effect by decreasing the level of plasma lipids and ET-1 and increasing the expression of serum NO and NOS in blood vessel tissue.
Key words:  atherosclerosis  endothelin  nitric oxide  nitric oxide synthase