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吕炳强1, 范英昌1, 孙连胜2
1.天津中医学院 300193;2.天津市塘沽区杭州道医院 300354
关键词:  丹参  丹酚酸B  丹参酮ⅡA  动脉粥样硬化  一氧化氮  甘油三酯
The influence of salvianolic acid B and tanshinone ⅡA on the nitric oxide and triglyceride in sera of atherosclerosis rabbits
LV Bing-qiang,FAN Ying-chang,SUN Lian-sheng
Tianjin University of TCM Tianjin 300193 China
[Objective] To study the influence of water-soluble active principle (salvianolic acid B) and fat-soluble active principle (tanshinoneⅡA) on the level of nitric oxide (NO) and triglyceride (TG) in sera of atherosclerosis rabbits.[Methods] Atherosclerosis was initiated in rabbits by feeding cholesterol and oil.The influence of salvianolic acid B and tanshinoneⅡA on sera NO and TG were observed by radio immunity and GPO-PAP.[Results] Both of the salvianolic acid B and the tanshinoneⅡA could markedly decrease the level of TG and significantly increase the NOW but the tanshinoneⅡA was significantly better than the salvianolic acid B on NO,the salvianolic acid B was better significantly better than the tanshinoneⅡA on TG.[Conclusion] The salvianolic acid B and tanshinoneⅡA both could inhit atherogenesis of hyperlipid-fed rabbits by modulate the NO and TG,but the mechanism is not entire the same.
Key words:  red sage root  salvianolic acid B  tanshinoneⅡA  atherosclerosis  nitric oxide  triglyceride