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崔广智1, 金树梅2
1.天津中医药大学 300193;2.天津市环湖医院 300060
关键词:  胡椒碱  实验性癫痫  海人藻酸
基金项目:* 天津市高等学校科技发展基金(20080207)
Effects of piperine on convulsive seizures induced by kainic acid
CUI Guang-zhi,JIN Shu-mei
Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To study the effects of piperine on several experimental epilepsy models and analyze it's mechanisms.[Methods] Experimental epilepsy in mice and rabbits was induced.The concentration of amino acid was determined by automatic analyzer in brain of mice.The releasing experiment of glutamic acid in cortex slice of rats was performed.[Results] Piperine had obvious antagonism against clonospasm induced by KA (icv) in mice,the ED50 was 24.0 mg/kg.It could also prolong the latency of abnormal ECoG and decrease the continued time of abnormal ECoG induced by intrahippocampal injection of KA in rabbits.Piperine could reduce the levels of Glu and Asp in mice brain,so it could also decrease the Glu+Asp/GABA ratio.It could not alter the levels of GABA.Piperine (10-6 mol) It could obviously decrease the release of proloaded [3H]-Glu evoked by high (k+) in cortex slice in rat.[Conclusion] Piperine has a potent antagonistic effect on experimental epilepsy in mice and rabbits.The mechanism of the anticonvulsant action of piperine is related to the function of EAA in central nerve system.
Key words:  piperine  experimental epilepsy  kainic acid