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沈丽, 张德芹, 黄云英, 王雪妮, 杜娟, 王元元
天津中医药大学中医药研究院 300193
关键词:  骨碎补  白癜风  豚鼠模型
基金项目:* 国家科技支撑计划基金项目(2008BA153B09)
Influence of external use of rhizoma drynariae on experimental vitiligo
SHEN Li, ZHANG De-qin, HUANG Yun-ying, WANG Xue-ni, DU Juan, WANG Yuan-yuan
The Research Institute of TCM, Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, china
[Objective] To study the therapeutic effect of external use of rhizoma drynariae on experimental vitiligo guinea pig model, and provide some pharmacodynamics references basis for its function of resolving wind and expelling macula in Chinese Pharmacopeia (ChP).[Methods] Vitiligo was produced by chemical decoloration method. The influence of the tested drug on the guinea pig skin melanin distribution and the blood tyrosinase (TYR), cholinesterase (CHE) and single amine (MAO) were measured.[Results] The external use of rhizoma drynariae showed good effects on the animal models. It could highly improve the skin melanin generation compared with that in model group, and can also increase the activity of TYR, CHE and MAO.[Conclusion] The external use of rhizoma drynariae shows good effects on the guinea pig model model.
Key words:  rhizoma drynariae  vitiligo  guinea pig model