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王艳1, 张铁军2
1.天津中医药大学 300193;2.天津药物研究院 300193
关键词:  莪术油  环糊精  包合物  制备工艺
基金项目:* 天津市高等学校科技发展基金项目(20110206)
Investigation of processing technology of zedoary turmeric oil-cyclo dextrin inclusion compound
WANG Yan1, ZHANG Tie-jun2
1.Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193 China;2.Tianjin Institute of Pharmaceutical Research, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To compare the inclusion effect of different types of cyclodextrin (αcyclodextrin, βcyclodextrin, γcyclodextrin) on zedoary turmeric oil, study the best preparation technology of zedoary turmeric oil and cyclodextrin inclusion compound.[Methods] Using the saturated water solution method, α-cyclodextrin, βcyclodextrin, γ-cyclodextrin zedoary turmeric oil inclusion compound were prepared and using X ray diffraction method the inclusion effect was identified; using L9 (34) orthogonal experimental design, the best preparation technology of zedoary turmeric oil and cyclodextrin inclusion compound was optimized.[Results] Under the same conditions, αcyclodextrin and zedoary turmeric oil could not form inclusion compound, the inclusion rate of γ-cyclodextrin and βcyclodextrin inclusion rate were almost the same. Taking the inclusion rate and oil utilizing rate as the indexes, the optimum process of zedoary turmeric oil and β-cyclodextrin inclusion compound was 8:1 of A3B1C2:β-cyclodextrin: Oil (g/mL), the inclusion temperature was 40℃ and the inclusion time was 90 min. According to the best prescription process parameters 3 experiments were repeatedly performed. It was found that the volatile oil inclusion rate was 90.90% and the oil utilizing rate was 66.67%, RSD<2.7% . The results showed that physical mixture of X ray spectrum was different between inclusion complexes with cyclodextrins and volatile oil with cyclodextrin.[Conclusion] The technology is reasonable and the cost can be saved when selecting β-cyclodextrin inclusion zedoary turmeric oil.
Key words:  zedoary turmeric oil  cyclodextrin  inclusion compound  processing technology