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郑妮亚1, 唐月英2, 曾屹生1, 陈宇1, 张国庆1, 谢秀平1
1.广州市中医医院 510130;2.福建省第二人民医院 350003
关键词:  加味苍耳子散  鼻窦炎术后  炎症细胞  组织形态
Curative effect of modified Cang’erzi powder in recovery of mucosal inflammation after endoscopic surgery of nose
ZHENG Ni-ya1, TANG Yue-ying2, ZENG Qi-sheng1, CHEN Yu1, ZHANG Guo-qing1, XIE Xiu-ping1
1.Department of ENT, Guangzhou Hospital of TCMy, Guangzhou 510130, China;2.The Second People's Hospital of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350003, China
[Objective] To observe the effect of modified Cang'erzi powder in the recovery of mucosal inflammation in nose cavity after endoscopic surgery.[Methods] Fifty-six patients with chronic sinusitis were randomly divided into treatment group(27 cases)and control group(29 cases).The treatment group was given modified Cang'erzi powder after functional endoscopic sinus surgery.Three and six months later,the number of the inflammatory cells and histopathological morphology on the nose mucosa in both groups were observed.[Results] At 3 month or 6 month after operation,the number of inflammatory cells in treatment group was significantly decreased (P<0.05)when compared with control group.After 3 month of treatment,the number of goblet cells and submucosa glands in treatment group was significantly decreased compared with control group(P<0.01).After 6 month,however, the difference was no significance.[Conclusion] Modified Cang'erzisan powder can relieve the mucosal inflammation after functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
Key words:  modified Cang’erzi powder  sinusitis surgery  inflammatory cells  histomorphology