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彭娟, 张朝晖, 关靖, 卢旭亚, 孙玉芝
天津中医药大学第二附属医院中医外科, 天津 300150
中医外科局部病灶存在的直观性, 为临床辨证提供了有效的客观依据, 中医外科疾病诊断必须掌握局部辨证方法。局部辨证方法的掌握是中医理论、中医基础、外科特点的总结和凝练, 形成这一有特点的辨证方法需要通过单元式教学贯穿和引导, 利用多媒体技术看到疾病的动态变化, 再通过病例化、互动化的PBL教学模式, 对理解和记忆就会明显提高, 在此基础上再进行临床技能的培训, 可以事半功倍。
关键词:  单元式教学  中医外科  局部辨证  PBL教学
Discussion on the application of traditional Chinese medicine surgery local syndrome differentiation of PBL teaching method based on unit teaching
PENG Juan, ZHANG Zhao-hui, GUAN Jing, LU Xu-ya, SUN Yu-zhi
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300150, China
Intuitive local lesions were present, effective to provide an objective basis for clinical diagnosis, such as flexible master the rule of differentiation of symptoms and signs, can make the learning effort on the back. Local dialectical grasp the method of TCM theory is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine, surgery and concise summary of the characteristics, the formation of the characteristic of the dialectical method needs through the unit type teaching penetration and guide, see dynamic changes of disease using multimedia technology, and through the PBL teaching case, interaction, so to understand and memory will be obvious to improve, then the clinical skills training, can be twice the result with half the effort.
Key words:  unit teaching  TCM surgery  local syndrome differentiation  PBL teaching method