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易骏1, 吴岩斌2, 吴锦玉2, 王涛3
1.福建教育学院, 福州 350025;2.福建中医药大学, 福州 350122;3.天津中医药大学, 天津 300193
[目的] 研究凹叶厚朴叶总黄酮纯化工艺。[方法] 采用大孔树脂纯化方法,考察大孔树脂静态和动态吸附对凹叶厚朴总黄酮纯度的影响,并比较凹叶厚朴叶总黄酮纯化前后的总黄酮纯度及其DPPH和ABTS体外模型的抗氧化活性。[结果] 确定最佳型号大孔树脂为HPD722大孔树脂,其对凹叶厚朴叶总黄酮具有较好的纯化作用,最佳纯化工艺为上样液浓度为0.12 g/mL,以2 BV/h上样,上样体积为5.5倍柱体积,用3.5倍柱体积10%乙醇除去杂质,再用4倍柱体积50%乙醇洗脱。凹叶厚朴叶总提物经HPD722大孔树脂纯化后总黄酮纯度由原来的27.44%提高到61.67%,且清除DPPH自由基能力纯化后[IC50为(19.97±0.85) mg/L]较纯化前[IC50为(44.88±1.31) mg/L]强,清除ABTS自由基能力纯化后[IC50为(169.78±0.99) mg/L]较纯化前[IC50为(592.2±13.14) mg/L]也得到提高。[结论] HPD722大孔树脂可以作为凹叶厚朴叶总黄酮纯化的吸附剂,为凹叶厚朴叶总黄酮资源开发提供依据。
关键词:  凹叶厚朴叶  总黄酮  纯化工艺  抗氧化活性
Study on purification of the total flavonoids from leaves of Magnolia officinalis var. biloba
YI Jun1, WU Yan-bin2, WU Jin-yu2, WANG Tao3
1.Department of Chemistry and Life Science, Fujian Institute of Education, Fuzhou 350025, China;2.Academy of Integrative Medicine, Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350122, China;3.Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To purify total flavonoids from leaves of Magnolia officinalis var. biloba. [Methods] The effect of macroporous resin static and dynamic adsorption on the purity of total flavonoids from leaves of Magnolia officinalis var. biloba. was carried out. Before and after purification of total flavonoids, their purities and antioxidant activities using DPPH and ABTS models in vitro were compared. [Results] The best macroporous resin was HPD722 resin that had good effect on purification of total flavonoids. The best purification was 0.12 g/mL sample concentration and 2 BV/h. The sample volume was 5.5 times the column volume. 10% EtOH of 3.5 times the column volume was used to remove the impurity, and then, 50% EtOH of 4 times the column volume was used to elute. The purity of total flavonoids of 75% EtOH extracts from leaves of Magnolia officinalis var. biloba.was purified from 27.44% to 61.67%. The scavenging ability (IC50) of DPPH free radical and ABTS free radical were from 44.88±1.31 μg/mL to 19.97±0.85 μg/mL and from 592.2±13.14 μg/mL to 169.78±0.99 μg/mL, respectively. [Conclusion] HPD722 macroporous resin can be used as the adsorbent to purify the total flavonoids from leaves of Magnolia officinalis var. biloba. This result provides the basis for the development of resources of the total flavonoids from leaves of Magnolia officinalis var. biloba.
Key words:  leaves of Magnolia officinalis var. biloba.  total flavonoids  purification  antioxidant activity