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苗鹏伟1, 张明妍1, 张莉1, 商洪才2
1.天津中医药大学研究生院, 天津 300193;2.北京中医药大学东直门医院中医内科学教育部, 北京市重点实验室, 北京 100700
[目的] 系统评价稳心颗粒单独或联合西药对于房性早搏患者的心电图、临床症状及总有效率的作用和安全性。[方法] 应用检索词“稳心颗粒”和“房早”、“房性早搏”、“房性期前收缩”,检索中国学术期刊网全文数据库(CNKI)、中国科技期刊全文数据(VIP)、中文生物医学文献数据库(CBM);应用检索词“atrial premature beat”和“wenxin keli”、“wenxinkeli”,“wenxin”计算机检索PubMed医学数据库、EMbase、The Cochrane Library(2013年第11期)等数据库,检索时限均为从建库到2013年12月,检索随机和半随机随机试验,纳入的随机对照研究按Cochrane Reviewer's Handbook 5.1.0 推荐的“偏倚风险评估”工具进行质量评价,分析运用RevMan 5.2软件。[结果] 共纳入16个随机对照试验,但均质量不高。Meta分析结果:稳心颗粒单独或联合西药对于改善房性早搏患者的心电图、临床症状和总有效率要优于单独使用西药或常规治疗 ,其中有13项研究提到了不良反应,包括腹胀、恶心、头晕,窦性心动过缓等,均未做特殊处理观察后好转。[结论] 稳心颗粒能够有效改善房性早搏患者的心电图、临床症状以及总有效率。但由于纳入文献质量不高,影响结论的有效性。结论还有待于高质量的研究进行论证。
关键词:  稳心颗粒  房早  系统评价  Meta分析
Effects of Wenxin granule on electrocardiogram and clinical symptoms in adults with atrial premature contractions: A Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
MIAO Peng-wei1, ZHANG Ming-yan1, ZHANG Li1, SHANG Hong-cai2
1.Evidence-Based Medicine Center, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China;2.Key Laboratory of Chinese Internal Medicine of Ministry of Education and Beijing, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China
[Objective] To evaluate the effects of Wenxin granule alone or combined with Western medicine on electrocardiogram(ECG) and clinical symptoms in patients with atrial premature contractions(APC). [Methods] We searched six major electronic databases to get RCTs conducted to evaluate the effects of Wenxin granule alone or combined with Western medicine on ECG and clinical symptoms in patients with atrial premature contraction(APC). The methodological quality of the include studies was assessed by criteria from the Cochrane handbook for systematic review of interventions, version 5.2 software. [Results] Sixteen RCTs were included. However, the methodological quality of the studies was generally low. The result indicated that Wenxin granule alone or combined with Western medicine can be more effective in improving the ECG and clinical symptoms in patients with atrial premature contractions .Thirteen of the included studies reported the adverse reaction, such as abdominal distension, nausea, dizziness, Heartbeat bradycardia sinus and so on, and all of the reactions were not severe and disappeared without using any other treatment. [Conclusion] Wenxin granule alone or combined with Western medicine can be more effective in improving the ECG and clinical symptoms in patients with atrial premature contractions. However the low quality of the included studies caused a bad effect on the conclusion which still need high quality studies to demonstrate.
Key words:  Wenxin granule  atrial premature contraction  systematic review  Meta-analysis