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张志国, 周桂桐, 张艳军
天津中医药大学, 天津 300193
关键词:  教学设计  学情分析  互动  学习资源
The design of classroom teaching students as the center
ZHANG Zhi-guo, ZHOU Gui-tong, ZHANG Yan-jun
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
Teaching design is an important part of the construction of teaching content, and is the key to improve the quality of teaching. In China's higher education advocates connotative development, various colleges and universities thoroughly implement the "take the student as the center" education philosophy background, each department, each group of course, every teacher should to rigorous scientific attitude, each class, each class like design science research project as carefully designed, in order to ensure the quality of education and teaching, to keep up with the times. Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the beginning of 2014, the full launch of classroom teaching design work, at present, has completed 25 professional and direction, nearly 400 more than the required course of teaching design work. Now from the teaching objectives, learning situation analysis, interaction between teachers and students, learning resources, the paper discusses the four aspects of promoting teaching design work in some of the experience.
Key words:  teaching design  analysis of the situation  interaction  learning resources