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于河1, 李旖旎1, 万全1, 冯放1, 张丽雯1, 刘兆兰1, 白俊杰1, 吴宇峰1, 王思成2, 范璐1, 谷晓红1
1.北京中医药大学, 北京 100029;2.国家中医药管理局, 北京 100026
关键词:  中医院校  综合量化  构成要素  案例对照研究
Identify the forming elements of comprehensive quantitative performance in Chinese medicine university
YU He1, LI Yi-ni1, WAN Quan1, FENG Fang1, ZHANG Li-wen1, LIU Zhao-lan1, BAI Jun-jie1, WU Yu-feng1, WANG Si-cheng2, FAN Lu1, GU Xiao-hong1
1.Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Madicine, Beijing 100029, China;2.State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100026, China
To identify the forming elements of comprehensive quantitative performance in Chinese medicine university. And then to lay the foundation for the future investigating the quality education in Chinese medicine colleges and universities. A qualitative interview study has been processed to obtain potential forming elements of comprehensive quantitative performance in Chinese medicine university, then a case-control study was followed to explore the association between all these elements and the comprehensive quantitative performance in Chinese medicine university. 200 questionnairs were collected, and 17 issues have been founded which were associate with comprehensive quantitative performance(P<0.05):the comprehension about major, the wishes about future career, professional preference, the understanding about the classics of traditional Chinese medicine, recite the classics of traditional Chinese medicine, summary the clinical practitioners' case reports after clinical practice observing, study hard, the attitude, time schedule and plan, self-directed learning, summarize, find and solve the problem, pay close attention to the development of Western medicine, having clinical practice which is not arranged by the university, professional knowledge and skill, extracurricular reading, scientific research thoughts, emotion control. The study performance and comprehensive quantitative performance are associated with the students' comprehensive abilities in Chinese medicine university, and humanistic quality, healthy quality, professional quality, traditional culture quality and scientific quality are involved in as key issues.
Key words:  Chinese medicine university  comprehensive quantitative performance  forming elements  case-control study.