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季昭臣, 王虎城, 胡海殷, 李雪梅, 于春泉, 张俊华
天津中医药大学, 天津 300193
关键词:  全国名中医  学术思想  经验
Analysis on the discipline distribution and academic characteristics of the first hundred national famous doctors of traditional Chinese medicine
JI Zhaochen, WANG Hucheng, HU Haiyin, LI Xuemei, YU Chunquan, ZHANG Junhua
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
In order to inherit the academic experience of the famous doctors of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), carry forward the medical ethics of the great doctors and promote the development of TCM, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Health and Family Planning Commission and the Chinese administration of TCM organized the selection of the Great doctors and national famous doctors of TCM. This article analyzed the age, region, specialty and academic characteristics of the first hundred national famous doctors of TCM (2017) and provided reference for the research on the academic ideology of TCM. Among the 100 National famous doctors of TCM, 88 were males and 12 were females; the oldest was 96 years, the youngest was 59 years, with an average age of 76 years. Professionals of them include internal medicine of TCM, surgery of TCM, gynecology of TCM, pediatrics of TCM, orthopedics, oncology, dermatology, andrology, integrative medicine, traditional Chinese pharmacology, acupuncture and ethnomedicine as well, which covered the clinical advantages fields of TCM and had wide range of representativeness.
Key words:  national famous doctors of traditional Chinese medicine  academic ideology  experience