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李燕, 韩忠耀, 魏学军
贵州省黔南民族医学高等专科学校, 都匀 558000
关键词:  千里光  总黄酮  绿原酸  金丝桃苷  含量测定  紫外分光光度法  高效液相法  生物产量
Dynamic comparison of the content of total Flavones,Chlorogenic Acid and Hyperoside in various parts of GuiZhou Senecio scandens Buch. -Ham. in Different Seasons
LI Yan, HAN Zongyao, WEI Xuejun
Qiannan Medical College for Nationalities, Duyun 558000, China
Objective:To compare the content of total flavones, chlorogenic acid and hyperoside in GuiZhou Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham. in different seasons and different parts,and combine with biological yield to provide a basis for determining the harvest times and parts of GuiZhou Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham.[Methods] The content of total flavones was determined by UV,The content of chlorogenic acid and hyperoside were determined by HPLC.[Result] The content of total flavones that was extracted in June was highest. The content of chlorogenic acid and hyperoside were highest in August. The content of total flavones,chlorogenic acid and hyperside in leaves was much higher than in the roots and the stems.The biological yield in August was highest. The stem and leaf biological yield for a large proportion, and the root yield was the lowest.[Conclusion] Considering content of total flavonoids, chlorogenic acid, hyperoside and biological yield, It is advisable to harvest the aerial parts of Sen.ecio scanden.s Buch.-Ham in July,August and september.
Key words:  Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham.  Total flavones  Chlorogenic acid  Hyperoside  contents determination  UV  HPLC  biological yield