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杨丽军, 王丹丹, 吴红杰, 陈大忠
黑龙江中医药大学中医药研究院, 哈尔滨 150040
[目的] 预测锦灯笼中抗炎活性成分发挥作用的分子作用机制。[方法] 采用反向分子对接方法,将筛选的锦灯笼的活性成分与药物信息数据库Therapeutic Target Database和DrugBank检索的抗炎作用靶点进行对比分析,归纳总结出锦灯笼活性成分抗炎作用的潜在靶点,并通过MAS3.0对潜在靶点信息进行基因注释,利用Cytoscape3.4.0软件构建锦灯笼活性成分-靶点-通路-疾病网络并分析。[结果] 锦灯笼54个活性成分作用于12个炎症靶点,涉及参与信号转导、蛋白水解和炎症反应等16条相关生物过程的代谢通路。[结论] 网络药理学的研究方法预测锦灯笼活性成分,从分子水平解释了锦灯笼抗炎的作用机制,并为了中药多成分、多靶点、多通路的药效机制提供了科学依据。
关键词:  锦灯笼  网络药理学  抗炎  靶点
Study on the action targets for anti-inflammatory bioactive components of Physalis alkekengi L. var.franchetii (Mast.) Makino based on network pharmacology
YANG Lijun, WANG Dandan, WU Hongjie, CHEN Dazhong
Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin 150040, China
[Objective] To predict the molecular mechanism of anti-inflammatory effect of active ingredients in Physalis alkekengi L. var.franchetii (Mast.) Makino (PAFM).[Methods] The reverse molecular docking method was used to compare the active ingredients of the selected PAFM with the anti-inflammatory targets searched by Therapeutic Target Database and DrugBank. The potential targets of the anti-inflammatory effect of the active components were summarized by MAS.3.0 annotation analysis. Cytoscape3.4.0 software was used to construct the active ingredient-target-pathway-disease network and analyzed.[Results] Fifty-four active components act on twelve inflammatory targets and 16 metabolic pathways related to biological processes involving in signal transduction, protein hydrolysis and inflammatory response.[Conclusion] The method of network pharmacology is used to predict the active components of PAFM. The mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effect is explained from the molecular level, which provides the scientific basis for the mechanism of the multi-components, multi-targets and multi-pathways.
Key words:  PAFM  network pharmacology  anti-inflammatory  target