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杨冬梨1, 徐宗佩1, 李玉红2,3,4, 李菁浩1, 王宏波1, 李琳2,3,4
1.天津中医药大学, 天津 300193;2.天津中医药大学中医药研究院, 天津 300193;3.天津市中药药理学重点实验室, 天津 300193;4.方剂学教育部重点实验室, 天津 300193
关键词:  参麦注射液  阿霉素  心脏毒性  协同抗肿瘤
Effect of Shenmai injection against doxorubicin cardiotoxicity and its antitumor effect combined with radiotherapy or chemotherapy
YANG Dongli1, XU Zongpei1, LI Yuhong2,3,4, LI Jinghao1, WANG Hongbo1, LI Lin2,3,4
1.Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China;2.Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China;3.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Pharmacology, Tianjin 300193, China;4.Key Laboratory of Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medical Formulae, Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300193, China
Shenmai injection, which is derived from Shengmaisan in Qianjin Yaofang, is widely used in the clinical treatment of coronary heart disease, viral myocarditis, chronic pulmonary heart disease, etc. In recent years, clinical and experimental studies successively reported the effect of Shenmai injection against doxorubicin cardiotoxicity. Its mechanism involves several aspects, including scavenging free radical, relieving calcium overload and protecting mitochondria. In addition, many studies have indicated that Shenmai injection can enhance the antitumor efficacy of radiotherapy or chemotherapy. It is suggested that Shenmai injection plays a vital role in the treatment of tumor, with the strengthening body resistance and eliminating evil Shenmai injection, which is derived from Shengmai san in Qianjin Yaofang, is widely used in the clinical treatment of coronary heart disease, viral myocarditis, chronic pulmonary heart disease, etc. In recent years, clinical and experimental studies successively reported the effect of Shenmai injection against doxorubicin cardiotoxicity. Its mechanism involves several aspects, including scavenging free radical, relieving calcium overload and protecting mitochondria. In addition, many studies have indicated that Shenmai injection can enhance the antitumor efficacy of radiotherapy or chemotherapy. It is suggested that Shenmai injection plays a vital role in the treatment of tumor, with the strengthening body resistance and eliminating evil efficacy, which mechanism is worthy of further explored.
Key words:  Shenmai injection  doxorubicin  cardiotoxicity  synergistic antitumor