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闫晓鑫1,2, 张志强1, 杜守颖2
1.北京康仁堂药业有限公司, 北京 101300;2.北京中医药大学, 北京 100029
[目的] 建立独活标准汤剂特征图谱,并用于评价独活标准汤剂质量。[方法] 以标准汤剂作为标准,采用超高效液相色谱(UPLC)法,建立了独活标准汤剂的UPLC特征图谱。使用液相-质谱联用技术对特征峰进行指认,使用SPSS软件进行主成分分析及聚类分析,研究独活在煎煮过程中成分转化规律。[结果] 独活标准汤剂特征图谱共确定9个特征峰,经指认,峰1为二氢欧山芹醇-β-D-葡萄糖苷,峰3、4、5可能为当归醇B/G/D,峰7为二氢欧山芹醇醋酸酯,峰8为蛇床子素,峰9为二氢欧山芹醇当归酸酯。独活原料具有产地性差异,四川与湖北恩施的独活质量更接近,二者与湖北宜昌的有较大差异;经过煎煮以后这种差异减小。通过对各特征峰进行转移概率量化,发现9个特征峰在煎煮过程中出现了规律性变化,其中峰3、4、5、6以积累为主,峰1、7、8、9分解或不易转移,峰2在不同批次中出现了不同的变化趋势,此峰是煎煮过程中受产地差异影响的主要成分。[结论] 本方法结果准确,重复性好,可用于表征独活标准汤剂的内在质量。
关键词:  独活  标准汤剂  特征图谱  中药配方颗粒
Study and analysis of UPLC characteristic spectrum of duhuo standard decoction
YAN Xiaoxin1,2, ZHANG Zhiqiang1, DU Shouying2
1.Beijing Tcmages Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Beijing 101300, China;2.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China
[Objective] To establish the characteristic chromatogram of Duhuo standard decoction and to evaluate the quality of Duhuo standard decoction. [Methods] The UPLC characteristic chromatogram of Duhuo standard decoction was established by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with standard decoction as standard. The characteristic peaks were identified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CLA) were carried out by SPSS software to study the composition transformation of Radix Angelicae Pubescentis during decoction. [Results] Nine characteristic peaks were identified in the characteristic chromatogram of Duhuo standard decoction. It was identified that peak 1 was columbianetin-βD-glucoside, peak 3, 4 and 5 might be Angelol B/G/D, peak 7 was Columbianadin acetate, peak 8 was osthol, and peak 9 was Columbianadin. The medicinal materials of Radix Angelicae Pubescens have different origins, and the quality of Radix Angelicae Pubescens in Sichuan and Enshi of Hubei Province is closer, but there is a big difference between them and Yichang of Hubei Province. After decocting, the difference decreases. By quantifying the transfer probability of each characteristic peak, it was found that nine characteristic peaks changed regularly in the decocting process. Among them, peak 3, 4, 5 and 6 were mainly accumulated, peak 1, 7, 8 and 9 were decomposed or not easily transferred, and peak 2 showed different trends in different batches. This peak was the main ingredient affected by the difference of origin in the decocting process. [Conclusion] The method is accurate and repeatable, and can be used to characterize the internal quality of Duhuo standard decoction.
Key words:  Duhuo  standard decoction  characteristic atlas  traditional Chinese medicine granule