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时浩洋, 马铭泽, 孙肇阳, 吕桂娇, 孟静岩
天津中医药大学中医学院, 天津 301617
关键词:  药性理论  气味厚薄  气机升降
The influence of dosage on the ascending-descending effects of Chinese medicine
SHI Haoyang, MA Mingze, SUN Zhaoyang, LYU Guijiao, MENG Jingyan
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
The ascending and descending effects of medicine originate from the law of nature,and correspond to ascending and descending of human qi. As a result,what they have in common is the ascending and descending action determined by the proportion of yin and yang. The property of qi and flavor is characteristic of thick or weak in the qi and flavor which summarized by the ancients through tasting and smelling,which indirectly summarized the influence of dosage on the ascending-descending effects. The thick qi has a ascending trend,the slighter one has a weak ascending trend;the thick flavor has a descending trend,and the slighter one has a weak descending trend.According to the theory,adding the dosages can increase the concentration of the medicine,and it can also transformed into a thick taste product,it may have a stronger descending trend although the medicine has a weak taste.The property of qi is has the same principle. Adding the dosages will transform the medicine which with weak qi into the products which with thick qi and can also strengthen its ascending trend. By using electronic nose and electronic tongue technology,the qi and flavor of different doses of drugs can be objectively analyzed,and the relationship between the qi and flavor and the ascending and descending effects of drugs can be analyzed,thus verify the reliability and scope of application of the principle of the influence of dosage on the ascending-descending effects based on the theory of Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor.
Key words:  property of Chinese medicine  the concentration of qi and flavor  ascending-descending of qi movement