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张斌杰, 王雪颖, 徐芳, 王泓午, 步怀恩
天津中医药大学, 天津 301617
[目的] 研究健康状态中医辨识问卷的筛检效果。[方法] 采用流行病学筛检试验的方法进行研究。将健康体检及心理健康类型诊断量表作为金标准,从效度和信度等方面对健康状态中医辨识问卷的筛检效果进行全面评估。[结果] 灵敏度为85.13%,特异度为23.58%,阳性似然比为1.116 3,阴性似然比为0.623 0;可靠性指标一致率为80.48%;收益指标阳性预测值为92.94%,阴性预测值为11.98%;ROC曲线下面积AUC=0.544。[结论] 中医健康状态辨识问卷中的条目,对辨识健康和非健康状态有一定意义,能够用于辨识健康、非健康状态。
关键词:  健康状态  中医辨识  筛检试验
Evaluation of screening effect of traditional Chinese medicine health status identification questionnaire
ZHANG Binjie, WANG Xueying, XU Fang, WANG Hongwu, BU Huai'en
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
[Objective] To study the screening effect of health status with the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) identification questionnaire. [Methods] The study was conducted by using an epidemiological screening test. The health examination and the diagnostic scale of mental health type were used as the gold standard, and the screening test of the health status identification questionnaire was used as the diagnostic standard. The validity and reliability of the health status identification questionnaire were comprehensively evaluated. [Results] The sensitivity is 85. 13%; the specificity is 23. 58%; the positive likelihood ratio is 1. 116 3; the negative likelihood ratio is 0. 623 0; the reliability index consistency ratio is 80. 48%; the positive predictive value is 92. 94%; the negative predictive value is 11. 98%, and the area under ROC curve AUC is 0. 544. [Conclusion] The items in the TCM health status identification questionnaire have a certain meaning for identifying healthy and non-healthy status and can be used to identify healthy and non-healthy status.
Key words:  health status  traditional Chinese medicine identification  screening test