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吴春蕾1, 林静怡1, 高昊昊1, 郭义1, 任海燕1, 贾鸿博1, 边育红2, 王蕾1, 郝征1
1.天津中医药大学中医学院, 天津 301617;2.天津中医药大学中西医结合学院, 天津 301617
关键词:  中西医结合  现状  调查研究
Investigation on the development of integrated Chinese and Western medicine based on frontline medical practitioners
WU Chunlei1, LIN Jingyi1, GAO Haohao1, GUO Yi1, REN Haiyan1, JIA Hongbo1, BIAN Yuhong2, WANG Lei1, HAO Zheng1
1.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.School of Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
To investigate the development status of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine and people's acceptance of it. A total of 16 medical institutions were selected from 10 provinces(municipalities directly under the Central Government) in China as the field investigation sample institutions by the stratified random sampling method, and 30 clinical experts and doctors with professional qualifications were selected as the research objects. Relevant questions were set, one-on-one interviews were conducted, and the interview reports and relevant data were summarized and analyzed. The 27 doctors agreed with the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, accounting for 90% of the total;three medical practitioners, accounting for 10% of the total, oppose the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Generally speaking, the development status of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine is relatively good and people have a high acceptance of it, but it is still in the early stage of development. There are still differences in the acceptance of front-line medical personnel, and there are many problems to be solved. This study lists the related problems and puts forward the main solutions.
Key words:  integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine  present situation  investigation