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朱蕊1, 李娜1, 任晓亮2, 王萌1
1.天津中医药大学中医药研究院, 天津 301617;2.天津中医药大学中药学院, 天津 301617
[目的] 总结治疗化疗相关性恶心呕吐(CINV)高频使用中药复方,分析其复方组成和临床使用频率,梳理总结中药治疗CINV的研究现状和发展前景。[方法] 检索中国知网(CNKI)中近十年(2010—2021)有关中药复方治疗CINV的文献。运用文献计量学分析治疗CINV频次前12的中药复方(非传统汤剂)的作用特点及制剂发展等方面,使用CiteSpace进行关键词共现分析、关键词聚类分析和关键词时间线绘制分析。[结果] 共筛选得到相关文献185篇,其中治疗CINV频率最高的中药复方和单味中药分别为旋覆代赭汤和陈皮。各中药复方临床常见制剂形式为颗粒剂和配方颗粒。现有治疗CINV的中药复方制剂相关研究庞杂,主要研究热点集中于试验类型、临床症状、机制研究关键指标、制剂类型等。[结论] 现有中医药临床治疗CINV药物主要来源于经方,且目前进入制剂开发和机制研究的主要阶段,但目前制剂形式单一,现代中药制剂产品研发仍具有紧迫性。
关键词:  中药  化疗性呕吐  化学治疗  文献计量学  恶性肿瘤
Bibliometrics-based analysis of progress of traditional Chinese medicine compound in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
ZHU Rui1, LI Na1, REN Xiaoliang2, WANG Meng1
1.Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.School of Chinese Materia Medica, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
[Objective] To summarize the high-frequency use of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) compounds in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting(CINV), analyze their composition and clinical use frequency, and summarize the research status and development prospects of TCM in the treatment of CINV. [Methods] China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) was searched for literature on the treatment of CINV in the past decade(2010-2021). Bibliometrics was used to analyze the characteristics of the effects and preparation development of the top 12 TCM compounds(non-traditional decoctions) in the treatment of CINV, and CiteSpace was used to analyze the co-occurrence analysis of keywords, keyword clustering and keyword timeline. [Results] A total of 185 related literature articles were screened, among which the traditional Chinese medicine compound formula and single flavor Chinese medicine with the highest frequency of treatment of CINV were Xuanfu Dai Ochre Tang and Tangerine Peel, respectively. The common clinical preparation forms of various TCM compounds are granules and formula granules. The existing research on the treatment of CINV is complex, and the main research hotspots focus on the types of trials, clinical symptoms, key indicators of mechanism research, and types of preparations. [Conclusion] The existing TCM clinical treatment of CINV drugs are mainly derived from Jing Fang, and are currently in the main stage of preparation development and mechanism research, but the current form of preparation is single, and the research and development of modern TCM preparation products is still urgent.
Key words:  traditional Chinese medicine  chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting  chemotherapy  bibliometrics  malignment tumor