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许艳超1, 郑曙琴2
1.辽宁中医药大学, 沈阳 110032;2.辽宁中医药大学附属医院, 沈阳 110847
[目的] 分析糖尿病肾病(DKD)相关文献,运用数据挖掘技术,比较微量蛋白尿期与临床蛋白尿期中医证候特点,以期为临床规范分期治疗DKD提供新思路。[方法] 检索中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据知识服务平台和维普中文科技期刊数据库自2014年1月1日—2023年12月31日收录的相关文献,筛选符合纳入标准的文献,进行证候和症状的提取、名称规范及拆分。建立数据库,采用统计学软件对DKD的微量蛋白尿期与临床蛋白尿期相关证候进行频数统计和聚类分析。[结果] 共检索文献3 506篇,最终纳入文献79篇。证候方面微量蛋白尿期以气阴两虚、血瘀证、湿热证、阴阳两虚和阴虚燥热最为常见;临床蛋白尿期以气阴两虚、血瘀证、阴阳两虚、湿热证和痰湿证最为常见。症状方面,微量蛋白尿期常见症状为倦怠乏力、口渴多饮、口干咽燥、肢体麻木、视物模糊、夜尿频多、腰膝酸软、头晕目眩、失眠多梦、肢体疼痛;临床蛋白尿期常见症状为倦怠乏力、肢体麻木、水肿、视物模糊、腰膝酸软、口干咽燥、口渴多饮、头晕目眩、少气懒言、尿浊。[结论] 随着病情进展,DKD的临床蛋白尿期相比于微量蛋白尿期,证候种类更加复杂多样,阳虚相关证候比例显著上升。
关键词:  糖尿病肾病  数据挖掘  中医证候  微量蛋白尿期  临床蛋白尿期
Comparative study on syndrome of diabetes nephropathy in micro proteinuria stage and clinical proteinuria stage based on data mining technology
XU Yanchao1, ZHENG Shuqin2
1.Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang 110032, China;2.The Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang 110847, China
[Objective] To analyze the related literature of diabetic nephropathy(DN), and to compare the characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) syndromes between microalbuminuria stage and clinical proteinuria stage by using data mining technology, so as to provide new ideas for clinical standardized staging treatment of DN. [Methods] The relevant literatures included in CNKI, Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform and VIP Chinese Science and Technology Periodical Database from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2023 were retrieved, and the literatures that met the inclusion criteria were screened, and the syndromes and symptoms were extracted, the names were standardized and split. A database was established, and statistical software was used to perform frequency statistics and cluster analysis on the syndromes related to microalbuminuria and clinical proteinuria of DN. [Results] A total of 3 506 articles were retrieved and 79 articles were finally included. In terms of syndromes, qi and yin deficiency, blood stasis syndrome, spleen and kidney qi deficiency, damp heat syndrome, yindeficiency and dryness heat and damp turbidity syndrome are the most common in microalbuminuria period;qi and yin deficiency, blood stasis syndrome, spleen and kidney qi deficiency, yin andyang deficiency, damp-heat syndrome and phlegm-dampness syndrome are the most common clinical proteinuria.In terms of symptoms, the common symptoms of microalbuminuria are lassitude, thirst and polydipsia, dry mouth and dry throat, limb numbness, blurred vision, frequent nocturia, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, dizziness, insomnia and dreaminess, limb pain;the common symptoms of clinical proteinuria are lassitude, limb numbness, edema, blurred vision, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, dry mouth and throat, thirst and more drinking, dizziness, less gas and lazy words, and turbid urine. [Conclusion] With the progression of the disease, the clinical proteinuria period of DN compared with the microalbuminuria period, the types of syndromes are more complex and diverse, and the proportion of yang deficiency related syndromes is significantly increased.
Key words:  diabetic nephropathy  data mining  TCM syndrome  microalbuminuria period  clinical proteinuria period