摘要: |
小儿慢性咳嗽作为儿科常见疾病,病因及治疗较为复杂。本病的病机为脏腑气机升降失调,以调理肺、脾胃、肝气机升降,治疗上以恢复脏腑的气机平衡为着重点。文章介绍了从气机升降角度治疗小儿慢性咳嗽,分析其辨证、立法、用药思路,以期为本病的治提供借鉴。 |
关键词: 小儿 慢性咳嗽 气机升降 |
DOI:10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2024.11.14 |
分类号:R725.6;R256.11 |
基金项目:北京中医药薪火传承3+3工程资助课题-温振英名老中医工作室首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院分站(2007-SZ-C-17)。 |
Treatment of chronic cough in children based on the perspective of qi movement of zang-fu organs |
LI Meng1, LI Min2, ZHENG Jun2
1.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Children's Hospital Affiliated to Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing 100020, China;2.Department of Pediatrics, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China
Abstract: |
Chronic cough in children as a common disease in pediatrics. The etiology and treatment are complex. The pathogenesis of this disease is the disorder of ascending and descending of zang-fu organs. The key point is to regulate the ascending and descending of lung, spleen and stomach, liver qi and restore the normal qi balance of zang-fu organs, in order to achieve the purpose of treating disease. This paper introduces the treatment of chronic cough in children from the perspective of qi ascending and descending, analyze its syndrome differentiation, legislation, and medication ideas, in order to provide reference for the treatment of this disease. |
Key words: child chronic cough qi ascending and descending |