摘要: |
偏头痛是一种慢性神经血管性疾病,其临床症状以一侧搏动样头痛为主,并伴有恶心、呕吐、畏光等不适症状,严重影响患者的生活质量。《黄帝内经》对于各种头痛的记载颇丰,提供了较为完善的病因、病机及辨证论治体系,对后世的针灸临床影响深远。邪气传变规律是《黄帝内经》的重要内容,其在偏头痛的诊治过程中具有一定的指导意义,但现有文献中鲜有报道。因而笔者对《黄帝内经》中邪气传变理论下各个阶段引起偏头痛的原因及其诊治思路与方法进行了梳理,并结合目前临床应用情况分析总结,以期完善中医对于偏头痛的辨治理论体系,更好地指导临床。 |
关键词: 偏头痛 黄帝内经 邪气传变 三部九候 |
DOI:10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2024.12.01 |
分类号:R747.2 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(82374572);泰山学者工程专项经费资助项目(tsqn202312376);山东省自然科学基金面上项目(ZR2020MH365);齐鲁卫生与健康领军人才项目(鲁卫人字〔2020〕3号)。 |
Exploring migraine headache diagnosis and treatment ideas based on law of transmission of Xieqi in Huangdi Neijing |
NING Yike1, WU Xinyu1, TANG Yu1, WEI Shijie1, HAN Jing2
1.Institute of Acumox and Tuina, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese, Jinan 250013, China;2.Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250013, China
Abstract: |
Migraine is a chronic neurovascular disease,and its clinical symptoms are mainly characterized by throbbing headache on one side,accompanied by nausea,vomiting,photophobia and other uncomfortable symptoms,which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. Huangdi Neijing is well documented on various kinds of headaches,providing more complete etiology,pathogenesis and diagnosis and treatment,which has a profound influence on the clinical practice of acupuncture in later generations. The law of transmission of Xieqi is an important part of Huangdi Neijing,which has certain guiding significance in the diagnosis and treatment of migraine,but there are few reports in the existing literature. Therefore,the author has reviewed the causes of migraine and its diagnosis and treatment methods in each stage of the theory of transmission of Xieqi in Huangdi Neijing,and analyzed and summarized them with the current clinical application,in order to improve the theoretical system of migraine diagnosis and treatment in Chinese medicine and better guide the clinic. |
Key words: migraine Huangdi Neijing Xieqi transmission Sanbu Jiuhou |