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陈雪梅1, 邵惠丽1, 高燕2, 郑真1, 邓碧琦1, 朱立俏1, 盛华刚1
1.山东中医药大学, 济南 250355;2.山东沃华医药科技股份有限公司, 潍坊 261021
[目的] 测定10批不同产地玄参多糖的单糖组成,多糖含量以及玄参多糖分子量。[方法] 采用1-苯基-3-甲基-5-吡唑啉酮(PMP)柱前衍生化高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定10批不同产地玄参多糖的单糖组成,并基于玄参多糖的单糖组成配制混合单糖对照品,采用苯酚硫酸法测定玄参多糖含量;采用高效凝胶渗透色谱法(HPGPC)测定玄参多糖的相对分子量。[结果] 不同产地玄参多糖由甘露糖、鼠李糖、半乳糖醛酸、葡萄糖、半乳糖以及阿拉伯糖组成,其中含量最多的为半乳糖醛酸,其次为半乳糖。不同产地玄参多糖的混合单糖对照品在各自线性范围内线性关系良好,加样回收率为97.71%~103.89%。10批玄参多糖的多糖含量在70.09%~83.70%,多糖分子量在89 536~122 744 Da。[结论] 不同产地玄参多糖的单糖组成和多糖分子量及其含量存在一定差异,文章可为玄参多糖的进一步研究提供依据。
关键词:  玄参多糖  单糖组成  多糖分子量  柱前衍生化  高效液相色谱法
Analysis of monosaccharide composition and molecular mass of Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides from different regions
CHEN Xuemei1, SHAO Huili1, GAO Yan2, ZHENG Zhen1, DENG Biqi1, ZHU Liqiao1, SHENG Huagang1
1.Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicin, Jinan 250355, China;2.Shandong Wohua Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd, Weifang 261021, China
[Objective] Determination the monosaccharide composition of 10 batches of polysaccharides in Scrophularia ningpoensis from different regions,and determination the relative molecular mass and content of Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides. [Methods] The monosaccharide composition of 10 batches of Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides from different regions were determined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) for pre-column derivatization of 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone(PMP). The mixed monosaccharide reference substance based on the monosaccharide composition of Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides was prepared,and the content of Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides were determined by phenol-sulfuric acid. The relative molecular mass of Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides was determined by the high performance gel permeation chromatography(HPGPC).[Results] Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides were composed of mannose,rhamnose, galacturonic acid,glucose,galactose,and arabinose,with the highest content being galacturonic acid,followed by galactose. The six monosaccharide components showed good linear relationships within their respective linear ranges,with sample recovery rates ranging from 97.71% to 103.89%. The polysaccharide molecular mass of 10 batches of Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides ranges from 89 536 to 122 744 Da,and the polysaccharide content ranges from 70.09% to 83.70%.[Conclusion] There are significant differences in the monosaccharide composition,molecular mass and content of Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides from different regions. This paper can provide a basis for further research on Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides.
Key words:  Scrophularia ningpoensis polysaccharides  monosaccharide composition  polysaccharide molecular mass  pre-column derivatization  high performance liquid chromatography