摘要: |
历代医家认为“秋湿”与诸多疾病都存在一定联系,故文章根据《素问·生气通天论》中“秋伤于湿,上逆而咳,发为痿厥”探讨了“秋湿”与“咳”“痿”之间的关系,阐释了秋季感受湿邪主要通过影响肺、脾、肝、肾脏导致机体出现咳、痿,并论述了“咳”“痿”在不同脏腑间的证候转归过程。文章围绕“秋湿为‘咳’与‘痿’的共同始动因素之一;湿久郁热、脾胃运化失司是由‘咳’发展至‘痿’的关键病理环节;肺热叶焦、肝肾精亏是‘咳’与‘痿’的终末病理机制”的主旨进行阐述,为防治“咳”“痿”提供一定的理论依据及临床思维。 |
关键词: 从湿论治 秋湿 咳 痿 《黄帝内经》 |
DOI:10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2025.01.02 |
分类号:R221 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(82174247,82374310);第七批全国老中医药专家传承工作项目(10090408)。 |
Discuss the inner connection between “cough” and “flaccidity” from the perspective of “in autumn,the body is invaded by dampness,and the qi movement reverses,causing coughing and then the onset offlaccidity” |
CHEN Siyu, FENG Jun, ZHU Bokuan, WANG Li, GAO Yingzhe, XIE Guangjing, WANG Ping, HUANG Panpan
Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Basic Medical College, Hubei Shizhen Laboratory, Wuhan 430065, China
Abstract: |
Medical practitioners in past dynasties thought about that “autumn dampness” have a certain connection with many diseases,therefore,the author discusses the relation between damp-evil and cough or flaccidity according to Su Wen:Sheng Qi Tong Tian Lun in the “in autumn,the body is invaded by dampness,and the qi movement reverses,causing coughing and then the onset of flaccidity”. We expounds that damp pathogen mainly causes cough and flaccidity by affecting lung,spleen,liver and kidney. It also discusses the process of regression of “cough” and “flaccidity” among different internal organs. First,dampness is one of the common initiating factors of cough and flaccidity. Secondly,dampness turns into heat for a long time,and the digestive function of spleen and stomach is abnormal are the key pathological links of the development from cough to flaccidity. Finally,lung heat and liver and kidney essence deficiency is the terminal pathological mechanism of cough and flaccidity. It provides some theoretical foundation and clinical thinking for prevention and treatment of cough and flaccidity. |
Key words: treatment from dampness autumnal dampness cough flaccidity Huangdi Neijing |