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苑航, 黄明, 秦广宁, 刘耀远, 江丰, 熊可
天津中医药大学, 天津 301617
关键词:  阵发性心房颤动  湿浊  痰饮  临床经验  张伯礼
Experience of professor ZHANG Boli in treating paroxysmal atrial fibrillation based on the theory of "damp-turbidity and phlegm-rheum type of diseases"
YUAN Hang, HUANG Ming, QIN Guangning, LIU Yaoyuan, JIANG Feng, XIONG Ke
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
Atrial fibrillation is a common cardiac arrhythmia,characterized by symptoms such as palpitations,chest tightness,and fatigue. Current Western medical treatment regimens still have problems such as high recurrence rates after surgery and bleeding risks during anticoagulation therapy. Based on the theory of "damp-turbidity and phlegm-rheum type of diseases",professor ZHANG Boli proposed that "water retention can also cause blood stasis." In clinical practice,patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation are considered to have a type of yang qi deficiency as the root cause and blood stasis and phlegm intertwined as the main manifestation. On treatment it emphasizes differentiating the the root and the manifestation,identifying the deficiency and excess,distinguishing the main task of eliminating pathogens from the secondary task of supporting the body's resistance,removing pathogens as early as possible,treating blood stasis and phlegm simultaneously,and supporting the body's resistance to prevent recurrence. The clinical efficacy is remarkable.
Key words:  paroxysmal atrial fibrillation  damp-turbidity  phlegm-rheum  clinical experience  ZHANG Boli