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王冬月1, 曲佳2, 高扬1, 张志强1
1.北京康仁堂药业有限公司, 中药配方颗粒关键技术国家地方联合工程研究中心, 北京市中药配方颗粒工程技术研究中心, 北京 101301;2.天津市药品检验研究院, 天津 300070
[目的] 建立茵陈超高效液相色谱(UPLC)特征图谱、一测多评和化学模式识别分析相结合对茵陈配方颗粒质量研究进行评价。[方法] 采用高效液相色谱法,对17批茵陈标准汤剂和6批茵陈配方颗粒进行特征图谱分析,建立共有模式图,应用相似度软件、聚类分析(HCA)、主成分分析(PCA)及偏最小二乘-判别分析(OPLS-DA)进行差异性评价。建立一测多评法,选择以绿原酸作为内参物,测定绿原酸与新绿原酸、隐绿原酸、异绿原酸A、异绿原酸B、异绿原酸C的相对校正因子f,计算各指标成分的含量,并与外标法测定结果相比较,判断方法的准确性。[结果] 17批茵陈标准汤剂及6批配方颗粒特征图谱结果显示,确定了11个共有峰,指认出7个成分,经相似度评价、聚类分析、主成分分析、偏最小二乘-判别分析,筛选出茵陈标准汤剂与配方颗粒物质的差异性成分。茵陈标准汤剂及配方颗粒中各指标成分一测多评法与外标法含量结果相对偏差<5.0%,方法准确性较好。[结论] 建立的茵陈特征图谱、一测多评法经方法学考察,方法灵敏准确、简便易行,结合化学模式识别可以用于分析茵陈标准汤剂及配方颗粒之间的差异性,为茵陈配方颗粒生产工艺的控制及质量评价提供支持。
关键词:  茵陈标准汤剂  配方颗粒  特征图谱  一测多评  化学模式识别
Quality evaluation of Artemisia capillaris dispensing granules by combination UPLC specific chromatogram,quantitative analysis of multi-components by single marker and chemical pattern recognition analysis
WANG Dongyue1, QU Jia2, GAO Yang1, ZHANG Zhiqiang1
1.Beijing Kangrentang Pharmaceutical Co., LTD., National and Local United Engineering Research Center of Key Technologies of Chinese Formula Granules, Beijing Engineering and Technology Research Center of Chinese Formula Granules, Beijing 101301, China;2.Tianjin Research Institute of Drug Control, Tianjin 300070, China
[Objective] Establishing UPLC specific chromatogram of Artemisia capillaris,combining a quantitative analysis of multi-components by single marker(QAMS) and chemical pattern recognition analysis to evaluate the quality of Artemisia capillaris dispensing granules.[Methods] The high-performance liquid chromatography was adopted to analysis the characteristic chromatograms of 17 batches Artemisia capillaris standard decoction and 6 batches dispensing granules,and the common pattern was established,and the similarity evaluation,hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA),principal component analysis(PCA),orthogonal partial least squares method-discriminant analysis(OPLS-DA) were applied to evaluate difference. The QAMS method was established,chlorogenic acid was selected as the internal reference for determining the relative correction factor f of chlorogenic acid and neochlorogenic acid,cryptochlorogenic acid,isochlorogenic acid A,isochlorogenic acid B,isochlorogenic C,the content of each indicator component was calculated,and the results were compared with those of the external standard method to judge the accuracy of the method.[Results] The results of specific chromatogram of 17 batches Artemisia capillaris standard decoction and 6 batches dispensing granules showed that 11 common peaks were determined and 7 components were identified. Through similarity evaluation,HCA,PCA and OPLS-DA,the difference components between Artemisia capillaris standard decoctions and dispensing granules were screened. The relative deviation of content results of each indicator component in Artemisia capillaris standard decoction and dispensing granules by the QAMS and external standard method was less than 5.0%,the data without significant difference.[Conclusion] The established specific chromatogram of Artemisia capillaris and the QAMS have been investigated by methodological,the method is sensitive,accurate,simple and easy to implement,combined with chemical pattern recognition,which can be used to analyze the differences between Artemisia capillaris standard decoction and dispensing granules,provide support for the control of production process and quality evaluation of dispensing granules.
Key words:  Artemisia capillaris standard decoction  dispensing granules  specific chromatogram  quantitative analysis of multi-components by single marker(QAMS)  chemical pattern recognition