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李舒婷1, 王亚男1, 刘沐东1, 马兰英1, 张贤一1, 赵海军1,2
1.山东中医药大学中医学院, 济南 250355;2.山东中医药大学山东省经典名方协同创新中心, 济南 250355
关键词:  缺血性脑卒中恢复期  肠道微生态  针刺  扶正
Progress of the mechanism of action of Fuzheng acupuncture method in regulating intestinal microecology to improve neurological function during recovery from ischemic stroke
LI Shuting1, WANG Yanan1, LIU Mudong1, MA Lanying1, ZHANG Xianyi1, ZHAO Haijun1,2
1.School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250355, China;2.Shandong Classic Formulas Collaborative Innovation Center, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250355, China
Ischemic stroke(IS) is a common cerebrovascular disease that seriously threatens the physical and mental health of human beings,causing serious psychological and economic burdens to patients and families. With the continuous research on this disease,it has been found that acupuncture therapy can improve the neurological impairment of patients recovering from IS and contribute to the prognosis and regression of the condition. In recent years,the interaction between intestinal microecology and brain diseases has been deeply studied. Based on the Chinese medicine principle of "supporting the right",the article explores the mechanism of acupuncture in IS recovery by combining with intestinal microecology,and concludes that intestinal flora can affect brain function by regulating the immune system,nervous system,and intestinal barrier permeability,etc. Acupuncture can be effective in repairing the intestinal barrier function,regulating the intestinal barrier function,and regulating the intestinal barrier permeability. Acupuncture can improve the prognosis and regression of IS recovery by repairing the intestinal barrier function,regulating intestinal metabolism and inflammatory factors,etc.,with a view to providing new ideas for clinical diagnosis and treatment and scientific research in IS recovery.
Key words:  ischemic stroke recovery period  intestinal microecology  acupuncture  supporting positive energy